chapter 27

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"It's hard when someone special ignores you but it's harder pretending that you just don't care"


Excitedly, I opened the text.

After attempting many calls and messages, he switched off his phone, but at last, the message broke me.

I couldn't finish the  text as the pool of tears filled my eyes. The feeling of before, and after reading the text was unexplainable. 

I closed my textbook,  the atmosphere around me turn cold and the room gets dark.

The text reads, "I didn't find anyone beside you,  but I'm not interested in relationship anymore. I don't want to hurt others, I am sorry if i hurt you. Thank you for loving me. Take care and good night." 

I tried my best to hold myself together.

With my trembling hands, I texted back,  " Finally I got an answer , I am sorry for calling you in different contact numbers,  thank you for making me special,  I will always love you,  Let me wish you a last goodnight as your Babe , I understand you. Thank you ".

I couldn't believe that my first love just ended.

With the dawn of the night, I shed all the tears I  have had and missed him. I wanted him to come back, I long and wished of him to unsend the text so that we could go back to being together to spend our same birthdays together and to be each other's first kiss.

The night was made for  sleeping but I laid in bed awake.

The next day, I couldn't even explain the happenings of my night to my friends,  they consoled me . My friends got angry at me for not hating him , for not blaming him, for understanding and loving him over everything.

And on the coming day, the plans and the promises he and I made vanished into the thin air in the blink of an eye.

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