chapter 24

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"I get the best feelings in the world when you say 'hi' to me or even a smile because I know for a second I crossed your mind"

I felt extremely happy to be part of his life sharing childhood stories, sharing the thoughts.

I battled with myself whether to tell him or not that I was leaving, yet I still did.

"I'm leaving tomorrow" I spoke out of blue.

"Why? So early" He replied.

"Yeah, I have to go and help my parents"

"I see but be back soon" He added.

After talking about stuffs.

"My favourite fruit is pineapple" I spoke out of blue again.

"Me too, I like it"

I was happy that we share the same like.

It was time for us to go home. It's going to be the end of the year and I knew that we will only meet next year.

"Can I get a hug?" I asked him.


We hugged and he held my hand.

"Thank you for choosing me and making me feel loved" I told him.

"And I thank you for accepting me" He replied me back.

Sweet! Isn't it?

He accompanied me to my house.

"You have to take care and come back soon. For tomorrow, have a safe journey" He stated.

We reached the spot.

"Here, let me kiss your hand" He added.

He kissed my hand.

Tears of joy came out. I received many love and affection from him that very night. As we departed, I looked back while he kept walking.

"I'll be missing you" I whisper said to myself.

I went inside happily.

First hug from him, receiving those very scene kept popping on my mind and I slept away into a slumber.

That very next day, my father came and picked me.

Wherever I go, whatever I do, with whosever it may be, all I saw was him.

Him, him, him, him......

Of course, we didn't have daily conversation. But I prayed for him and I sent my regards and care through my prayers.

Days goes by.....

He bought his new phone. We talked only a few times.

I recorded our talks and played it over and over again listening to his voice.

None of my friends nor my family members knew my relationship with him. It's not that I'm trying to hide from them, I obviously am not keeping a secret but it's that I was too introvert to share.

We talked on the Christmas night.

I missed him so bad wishing that he was there with me. I even reminded him that he was the first person who hugged me.

He replied that he could give more than that and the hug was nothing.

Yet I kept trying to let him understand how much it worths to me.

The clock strikes 12 and we hurried first wishing each other a Merry Christmas.

"It's already 12. Did you pray yet? I've already prayed" He asked me.

I had also said my prayer and we hung up.

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