chapter 23

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"There's nothing worse than being ignored, you feel unwanted"


I kept running looking out for him. While running, I saw a girl, the one who plead me to be Abe's girlfriend, on the road. She stared at me without blinking. I wondered what was she searching for. She looked at me as if I was lost. I ran beyond her. Then she called out my name. For once I stop and looked at him. As I stood right about turn, I found my boyfriend.

"Where are you going?" He asked smirking.

"Obviously you know. I'm sorry, I didn't see you" I added.

The girl and Abe were sitting together, I walked to them. I had no idea who she was to him and  what relation they had.

"I'll leave you guys" She told us and left.

"Are you guys close friends?" I asked him.

"She's my cousin and she'ss accompanying me" Abe told.

Oh that's why she knew about us. I thought.

"Do you want to attend the programme?" He asked me.

"No, I want to spend with you"

He agreed and we walked up. It was dark.

A girl tapped my shoulder saying 'hey'. I looked back at her  and saw that it was  Apong. We laught.

"OMG, you didn't even recognised me being with your boyfriend" Apong joked.

I tried to bring the excuse yet can't help .

"I'm too excited, so I guess it's the power of love" I replied her.

They walked down, we walked up.

He and I talked about classes.

I walked on the pavement, while he walks on the main road because of the heights. Yet still, the heights cannot be levelled.

"Since when did you start liking me?" I asked him.

"You were part of the office bearers. I used to observe you since you used to go around class to class" He answers my question.

"Thank you"

We continue walking.

"Your voice is very sweet when you talk" He said to me.

"Like how?" I inquired.

"It's very hard to express. But when you talk, I find it very sweet. Maybe it's a feeling" He stated.

I turned to him with my mouth forming 'O' shape.

We reached the playground. It was silent, dark and cold. We went and sat on the gallery, talk about our childhood, make fun of each other and somehow pity each other.

We talk from a distance and no physical contact.

Time to time, we could see couple holding hands and walking on the road.

But our couple things is standing from distance, staring and talking to each other.

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