chapter 25

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"When a girl ignores you, it doesn't mean she hates you. It means you hurt her"

We had already celebrated Christmas.

Days went by.

My feelings for him gets stronger and stronger as the days passes.

We exchanged photos, shared personal information, update about everything, etc.

We made promises to each other to celebrate together, to cook together and spend together on our birthday.

A/N: In case the readers forgets, the main characters of story were both born on the same day and same year.

He never controls me but he accepts me for who I am, he respects my choices and he sends love kisses .

He keeps me going on everyday.

New Year Eve arrives.....

To meet each other wasn't long anymore.

Our final exam was also approaching.

Exchanging 'good night' and 'good morning' texts was enough for me. I trust him and I knew he was always there .

I loved myself facing problems looking up to him as my motivation.

Three weeks more to meet him. As the new year came, I got to get more busied in works and other stuffs.

Despite everything, I cannot wait to meet him.

After a week, I called him. But he didn't answer up my call.

He must be busy. I thought to myself.

Days goes by.

I called him again but still no answer.

He might be studying for upcoming exam, he might have charged his phone and was working, he might be playing video games on his phone, he might have went out with friends or went out to get something. I thought and told to myself.

On the other hand, I was cope up with many works, etc.

Because of some situation, I couldn't get online to text him.

One week passes by....

There was a conference.

As I passed by, I called him up just to tell him where I was going and where was I.

Just then he picked up but I couldn't hear his voice.

Then I met one of his friend.

"How are you guys going on?" Angoi asked me.

"Yeah, still the same." I replied him.

I attended the conference and went back to my native place without telling him about my whereabouts.

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