chapter 22

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"People may not tell you how they feel about you, but will always show you. Pay attention"

Angoi and Abe decided to accompany us home, we started walking.

"Where is your house?" I asked Abe.

"I'll take you to my house next time" Abe replied me.

We walked together, reached home. We have each other good night wishes and departed.

I laid on my bed.

Ugh! What a feeling!

I shut my eyes and went to a deep slumber.

The next day.

I imagined last night memories and was late to school. I went to school without drying off my hair.

I spread the news to my friends.

"We're so happy that someone you like likes you back. You know you have poured everything to us who knows you better than us. Having your crush turning into your boyfriend. Congratulations! " My friends stated.

We went out, as I was letting my hair down.

Abe and I wished each other 'good morning' and crossed each other.

I couldn't help my eyes but to turn back and he too turned back and showed me the perfect sign.

I didn't understand and what was that for and asked to my friends about the sign.

"It's very obvious that he's complimenting you that you are pretty" One of my friend told me.

As soon as they said that I realized the sign he was showed me.

Our days were normal except our feelings.

"You guys were not lovey dovey like others and you guys respect each other and we like that" One of my friend commented.

How can I be more  happy? I asked to my subconscious.

Classes got over.

Few days left for the class to get winter vacation.

We used to see each other from far, from the windows, through the doors, etc.

A programme was going to be held that night.

It was the last day of the class. I saw him standing near the school notice board and I was entering the school building. I walked closer to him.

"Are you coming out tonight?" He asked.

"For the programme?" I asked back.

"Not really"

"What about you?" I asked him.

"If you comes out then, I'll come out" He answered.

We both agreed to meet.

Classes got over.

I couldn't wait to meet up my boyfriend.

I had dinner, dressed up and went to Apong.

"My boyfriend and I, we didn't contact" I told Apong.

The time was already past 5.

At the moment, Neko called.

"Are you going to meet up with your boyfriend?" Neko asked as soon as I picked his call.

"Yes, I do"

"I saw him on the road side waiting for you, seems like he's waiting for long. Hurry up and run to him before he leaves back home" He told me.

As soon as he told me. I walked out, suddenly, met my friend walked out of her house. She was shocked to see me walked out at dusk.

"Where are you going?" She asked out of surprised, totally forgetting that I have a boyfriend.

"I'm going to meet my boyfriend" I proudly replied her.

"Then don't just stand here, run" She spoke out as soon as she heard me.

"Thanks, wish me luck" I laughed.

Clocks starts ticking, I ran like running a marathon, knowing that my boyfriend was waiting.

I should be running out of breathe but to my own surprise, I didn't.

Maybe the power of love.

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