chapter 20

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"Beautiful is the man who doesn't ignore the woman he cares about"


All his friends were there at Angoi's house. The others went in, even Apong. Abe called me to go to kitchen but I hesitate myself to even go in.

"I want a private conversation with you" I told him.

"Then shall we go inside Angoi's bedroom?" He asked.

I finds his question quite funny.

I clearly knows that his intentions were pure but that very question had me dirty thoughts.

"No way, who goes inside others bedroom" I fired him.

We both laught.

Others called us to go inside, told me not to feel shy and nervous.

Just then while I still hesitate.

"Then, let's go for a walk." Abe enquired.

Finally we walked out. We starts our conversation. We both didn't know where we were from, we both came to know each other.

Then in a mean time.

"Are you feeling cold?" Abe asked.

"No, not tonight. I've dresses properly. I'm warm enough" I spatted.

We kept talking.....

"Tonight will be our last moment to spend together" I spoke out somehow sad.

"No, it won't be our last" He replied back.

"No, it will be"

"No, it  won't"

We talked on that arguing.

"The last time in school that I asked. What do you think of that?" He asked breaking our argument.

"To be in relationship, are your parents against you?" I asked.

"Not a child anymore, so if I choose well then they won't mind. My father knows that I won't do bad things as I  am innocent" He stated and laughs.

Meanwhile I looked at him with my jaw falling on the ground.

"Even my friends encourages me that you are a good woman and I know that even if they don't encourage me so" He stated again.

Those words gave me thrills. I was excited to hear that but didn't show, yet I gave him my big smile to him.

"Come, let's go back" He states it.

We walked back.

"You know nothing about me" I told him.

"I know" Abe spoke out "no one's perfect but we will learn from each other".

We went an saw Angoi's house, then he started again.

" Give me your answer " Abe said about the proposal.

I stood straight, kept my hands inside my sweat pocket, take a deep look at him.

"I'm saying yes"

As I said that very word, everything around feels different, even the air we breathe feels different to me and even the stars and the moon smiles at my answer to him.

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