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"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you and misses you. Because one day, you might wakes up from your sleep and realized  that you lost the moon while counting the stars"

Third person's POV

The pure heart was broken, TO TRUST SOMEONE  is not in her dictionary anymore.

  She had to play safe to not be thrown away  like he did to her.

People ends their love story with tears, but hers ended with understanding and smiles. She told her story to others as a set of example.

She took her story as a set of make up story which sometimes became a therapy to the ones who were heartbroken.

She considers her love story as the sweetest and the purest.  She never resent him for treating her that way. She accepts it as a best lesson.

For him, it was a one month relationship but for her, it was a two month relationship.

They both had moved on. She never heard a single news of him from her friends or others after her HSSLC exam. She became a new person after her amid heartbreak.

She learnt why her friends cry for their lovers which she thinks was of silly before her heart broke.

She took her first love relationship as the starting point of her life journey and her amid heartbreak makes her gets more closer to God. Though she couldn't thank him personally, yet she thanks him for making her realise who she is.

The plans and the promises they made together for their birthday, everything they had did, all becomes the past, the past that people doesn't really look back.

After all.......

'Everything he and I had were all in the past now, I had left all those behind. Everything that had happened was for the best, and the best is yet to come'
She quoted.

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