chapter 5

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" No one is really busy. It all depends on what number you are on their priority
list "


No phone, now I can't wait for tomorrow's class to meet my friends.

I was even hoping to meet Abe again.

Apong knows that I have a crush on Abe and Abe was Apong's ex crush. These days, Apong was having a connection with someone.

Apong and I weren't really that close but then we got closer because of Abe.

"Girls loves him and he'll excuse himself away from the girls whenever they tried to talk to him" Apong informed me.

Abe is an introvert guy.

I entered my class.

The other three knows that I have a crush when I was in junior year.

"How was picnic?" They asked.

"I got a new crush" I replied.

"Let us know who was that guy?" They again asked.

"Apparently he's not from our class, he's from section A of geography class" I told them running out from their question.

"Continue with the explanation" They enquired.

"As of his appearance, he's tall, slim and he got neat and clean nails and toes. And cute and innocent like me" I chuckled at the last part.

Now they are guessing thoroughly. And lastly I told them his name.

"Yeah! Yeah! We knows him, he's my classmate when I was in high school. He was a timid guy" Said Phelu.

I was in super super cloud nine. Moreover I was on the love at the first sight.

Classes got over and there was a break time  and it was  a happy time for me because I might get a chance to se Abe.

That very day, I started asking Apong how Abe was in class.

"He was Very sincere" Along replied.

Apong even mimicked his way of sitting inside the class.

Abe and I started knowing each other since September when we went for picnic.

At times, sec A would leave school for home early and my sec B would hear their noises when they came out.

I would put my efforts in seeing him and I would moved myself to the door, took the scale and open the door and look at his back.

Not everytime but he would look back. And I would be smiling at myself and how happy I was I used to be.

Break hours, we would meet.

My friends used to tease me for him.

Butterflies will start forming in my belly.

How much we used to be happy when we meets our crush!

He has four friends. Angoi knows that I have a crush on him while the other two doesn't know that I have a crush on him.

If Angoi sees me, he will poke Abe or whisper something to him which will make Abe run away.

I used to think that he hates me 'cause he knows that I have a crush on him.

"Does he hates me?" I asked to Angoi.

"No it's not that Bina, but it's just that he's shy" Angoi replied back to me.

One morning, I was in a deep hurry and I was rushing and hoping around from class to class for the morning assembly.

"Morning" The unknown replied.

"Good morning" I replied back gushing.

I was now curious who was it, I looked up and saw Abe.

New smile, new day begins...

He wears neat and clean uniform, no punishment, regular, always in a discipline. Boys will get caught using tobacco but he won't because he doesn't consume those.

That increases my crush point on him.

The way I admired him increases.

Exam is approaching, we are all now preparing. Regarding studies, I kept aside my crushes and focus on my studies.

Everyone is now on the exam tension.

"Study well for your exam" I said to Abe's friends.

"Wait won't you say it to Abe? " Stated Neko.

"Of course why not!" I replied back.

I called Abe and shows him my double thumbs up.

"For you, it will be only one hand but for him, I will give extra thumbs up" I said to them.

One fine morning......

It was an exam day, Apong and I walked up the bridge and Abe and we met.

He was with a girl. She was not really pretty but he was always with him.

He walked past me first, yet he looked back.

"Good morning! All the best for your exam" He said to Apong and me.

"All the very best for you too" I replied back to him.

Days pass, week pass.....

Exam was done. Now here I am curious how was his exam instead of worrying about myself whether I'm going to fail or pass.

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