chapter 2

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  "I care but I'm done trying"

Days pass, week pass, month pass and a year will be over soon in 5 months.

I've aged 17 in the last  two months.

We're in August now.....

I've got lots of crushes from my mates, juniors and so on and even the outsiders too.

Being the school assembly secretary, it's not that easy and it's not that hard either.

If you want to know me and my friends, we are super hyper active. They're just like me, we're all the same. No difference except our sizes.

Apong and I hang out most of the time, talking or going out to jungle to fetch the food for the pig and rabbit.

Apong will pick plants/leaves for the rabbit while I  do the same for the pig.

Rearing of Pig is very common, even in town.

In these few days, I got a new crush but he doesn't love me back.

I may be thoughtful at times, but I don't know how to understand the people who were in a relationship and they keep telling me their problems about their fight, and their little break up.

Oh my God. Did I just say a little break up?


But I'm 100% sure that I never understand how and why people shed their tears for their loved ones.

Is it that I never experience a relationship? Is it that I've never been loved by someone?. I questioned myself.

I love questioning myself if it was the right thing for me.

I always ponder why my friends would cry for being misunderstood or being lied by their loved ones.

I really don't understand why they would cry for no reason.


I got lots of friends, don't mind. It doesn't only count girls, it includes boys too.

Since its August, we've got lots of activities to do. And on August 15, we're going for marching pass competition. And we're super busy with it, i.e., practicing.

August 15 is the independence day for the Indians.

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