chapter 11

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"Even the strongest feelings expires when ignored"


Something gets on my mind which I gets so curious about, it wasn't an idea this time.

"Did you eat well?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I do eat well but the first picnic was better and I ate much better than before" He replies.

"I thought you didn't ate well because you said it was enough" I stated curiously.

"My stomach got full" Abe replied back.

"Do you want to reach home fast?" I enquired.

"Mmm hmm? What about you?"

"No, I don't want to go home early because it was the last day and I want to make it a memorable one" I confirmed. Yet it was true.

"Yeah, somehow like that"

"Do you have travelling problem?" I asked him.

'Cause he said he was unwell earlier.

"No, not like that" Abe replied.

"But didn't you had headache this morning?" I questioned.

"Yes, I do, in the morning" Replied he. I can say he's saying the truth now.

Even before, I ask him.

"This morning, you gave me a gooseberry. It takes away my headache" He told me.

It was because of my love. I told to my subconscious.

"Want more?" I asked.

"No, I got it too but I don't want to eat anymore" He rejected.

I thought 'maybe because it wasn't mine's

Cool breeze started blowing, I'm not in a sweater now.

He then started telling a story about a girl, remember she's a good swimmer.

"Mary, she's really a good swimmer" Abe said to me.

"Isn't it a bit kinda weird since she's alone?" I enquired.

"She's behind us" He speaks lowly, shutting me up with his finger on his lip.


She's behind us!

She must have heard me.

"She must have heard us" I told him amused.

"No, she won't hear you" Said Abe.

It was lousy behind and he supported me.

Whenever I said something and ge doesn't seem to catch, he bends down and listens to me. It gives me butterflies on my belly.

His actions are really gentle.

How lovely, isn't it?


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