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requested by danielgaraybe 

the class were outside of the dorm 

tonight they were simply enjoying the stars as they were the brightest tonight 

"I'm just going to grab a drink" tokoyami whispered to his closest friends

but fate had other plans 

even with no clouds in the sky 

a bolt of lightning struck down from the sky 

and zapped tokoyami in his tracks and causing him to fall to the floor 

"tokoyami!" his friends cried as he rushed to his side 

"ugh, that hurt" was all the raven said as he came too, rubbing his head to ease the pain from the impact of the floor

"that's, that's all you have to say? you were struck by lightning!" mina cried in shock as she lifted tokoyami by the collar back to his feet, shaking him slightly before being stopped by tsu 

"well I feel a bit weary and dizzy, thanks to the shacking, and my chest feels weird but other than that I'm fine" tokoyami tried to explain and treasure his friends who were all looking at him with worry 

"I still think we should get you checked out" Kirishima pointed out

and with that shoji moved to pick up the raven and began walking inside  

"shoji I'm fine, I can stand so I'm sure can walk" tokoyami protested with a small blush on his face 

"only because mina dragged you up and kept you balanced" was all he said as he continued walking to the living room

once they arrived shoji placed tokoyami on the sofa, seeming to be the place where he was about to be interrogated further 

"how do you feel man?" Kirishima asked

"Just like I said before, less weary now though" tokoyami answered tiredly 

"maybe we should get recovery girl" hagukura suggested  

"Everyone, I'm fine, I feel fine, if anything is wrong I'll let you know ok" tokoyami interrupted, not believing that it was worth bringing the teachers into 

but as he got up and began to walk 

it was as if he was a bolt of lighting himself 

"huh?" was all he could say as he found himself at the other side of the dorm, obviously not expecting to arrive so suddenly 

"tokoyami?" Jiro asked with shocked confusion

tokoyami didn't know what to say, so instead, he began walking again 

but walking was not the word you would use 

"whats happening?" kiminari asked with the highest amount of confusion 

"I don't know, it's like I've just gotten super speed all of a sudden" tokoyami stated with surprise 

"Are you ok" he was asked once more 

"I'm fine, I feel quite energized, to be honest," tokoyami said with a small laugh 

"hey, if your ok, we should see just how fast you've become" sero began 

"what do you suggest?" tokoyami asked 

this led to tokoyami and iida standing at the beginning of the track of the sports hall 

"ready, steady, spaghetti, go" ochako cheered happily as she shot of the racing gun 

and with that, they were of

iida was only able to keep up before he was left in tokoyami's dust 

he was at the finishing line in only 16 seconds after 4 laps 

"ok this is crazy" ojjiro 

"yes, if this is a permanent thing you may need to think of how you're going to put these into your powers" iida added, holding a good sports hand to shake, which tokoyami respectfully shook

however, unfortunately, the super speed didn't last, it began to break down slowly until he was back to his original speed 

but tokoyami didn't care, he was already satisfied with his original quirk, plus he didn't want to take iida's powerful speed from him 

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