future offsprings

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Requested by J70421

"good evening everyone and be prepared to be amazed" Hatusme declared as she gathered the students of 1-A into her lab

she had invented a new invention that she was so impressed she couldn't hold in her excitement

behind a cloth held her latest and most gorgeous baby that even the loudest of 1-A was quiet with anticipation

"I present to you, my latest creation" she announced as she lifted the cover to reveal a medium block with a hole in the middle

ohs and awes of interest turned into ahs? of confusion as Hatsume let the silence linger

"what is it?" Jero asked as being the first to ask

"this, my friend, is looking into the future" Hatsume explained with pride

"wait, like a time machine?" Kaminari asked with excitement

"precisely! and I wanted you all to be the first to see it" Hatsume smiled brightly as she lowered down to the switches

wonder and anticipation once more filling the room

"now watch and behold" she continued to hype the crowd

whirling and lights began to fill the room

"um, is it supposed to be this violent?" Midoriya asked as the whirling became louder and started to bang

"well this is my first time starting it" Hatsume laughed sheepishly as she walked into the crowd and behind some safety barriers

"What?!" the students asked, only to rush, following the inventor's lead

the sound got louder and louder until....it stopped

"was it supposed to do that?" sero asked as the silence made him uncomfortable

hatsume simply shrugged as she popped her head back from the barrier

the students once more following her lead

where they were shocked to see something, or something emerging from the machine

2 children standing in confusion in the new world around them

"who..." Kirishima asked with confusion as he and the others stood up to the new strangers

"where are we?" this kinda looks like..." one of the children asked, a boy with green and yellow patterned hair, black feathers with green fuzz around the orbs, brown eyes and wearing tie-dye designed jumper and black jeans

"wait, there are people over there, maybe they know" the other member suggested, a younger-looking girl with black hair with a green drip dye effect, black eyes, an emerald green top with black jeans and boots, along with a black and green spotted cape

the rest of 1-A decided that now that they were acknowledged, it would be rude not to greet them

"Hello, we are the class of 1-A, I am the representative, Tenya Iida, who are you two?" Iida greeted on 1-A's behalf

"I'm Dendrobates auratus tokoyami" the girl greeted with a smile, revealing a black tongue dripping dark droplets of what they were afraid to see as acid

"and I'm hanten no-Aru-tanagar tokoyami" the boy also greeted, feathers fluttered

"wait...tokoyami? I didn't realise fumikage had siblings" shoji said with surprise

"I don't" Tokoyami stated as he walked to the front to get a closer inspection

the children looked to the raven as their eyes bolted in the realisation

"It is true because we are not his siblings" the boy chuckled

"We are his children" the girl answered as she too laughed at the classes faces

"tokoyami you heathen!" Iida screamed in disgust

"not only did you have underage sex! but also got a girl pregnant and left her to raise your children?!" Momo stated with horror

"NO! I would never do such a thing! I am still a virgin!" Tokoyami screamed back, petrified to allow such a thought to be associated with him

"Yeah, plus I'm 15 and hanten is 13 so father had to have been 2 and 4 to have produced the seed for our creation" the boy explained with a shrug

"I do not want to think about that!" tokoyami grumbled as his feathers poofed with embarrassment

"How did we get here tho, I know ryokushoku no-juryoku midoriya can transport the people closest to them to a random time in the past, but this is a silver portal not green" Dendrobates continued to question

"it's my invention, the successful time machine" Hatsume gleamed as she wrote on her notes

"ah! that's why it's a cool way to meet our dad and mum when they were kids" she said as she walked over to tokoyami and a certain frog quirk user

"wait..." the class muttered before their eyes almost bulged out of their sockets

"TOKOYAMI AND ASUI?!" they screamed

"oh, was that not obvious ?" hanten asked with confusion

"well, I guess not but still, we're still in the early stages of our dating" Tokoyami stuttered as his girlfriend internally panicked

"seems you're gonna get further than that, "dad" sero smirked, only to be quickly smacked on the head by dark shadow

"wait, doesn't you two being here could change the past ?" ojiro asked with worry

"it doesn't work that way, many of our friends have been affected by "juryoku's" new quirk, so you can trust us" the little girl waved off the worry

"sides, this gives us a chance to see what mum and father were like before we were convinced" Dendrobates stated once more, clearly obtaining their parent's bluntness

"Can we please not talk about that, we are all underage here" Iida interrupted

"classic uncle Iida" the two children sighed

"...uncle Iida," the glasses-wearing student asked with a halt

"yes, regardless of you all going on your future carers, you all stuck together" the young boy smiled

"yeah, auntie Ochaco and uncle shoji even became our godparents" The girl added happily as she waved at the two students who said

this earnt a little squeak from uraraka and shoji to look aside with what the class could only class as his effort to hide a blush

"well, unfortunately, we should be getting you two back, don't want to change anything with time jumping," Hatsume said as she finished her notes

"oh, so soon?" the girl asked with sadness

"you heard her, we don't want to risk anything" the older brother reassured

"well regardless, it was nice to meet you two, it will be nice to see you once more" Asui sighed as she smiled at her future children

they wanted to hug but again with the risk of time, they decided not to

"safe travels" tokoyami waved as the two entered the dimension once more

the sounding of whirling opened once more until the machine until it there was no trace of any time activities

leaving a stunned silence throughout the lab

"We should give these two some "alone, time" Mina whispered as they allowed the raven and frog to speak alone

"looks like we don't have to wonder what the gender is of our firstborn" Asui laughed

"save us some money on preparation" Tokoyami chuckled back

the two shared a close embrace as they thought of their upcoming future, unable to feel relief that their relationship was to stay strong even when they graduate

adding a new joy for the world ahead

(PS points to the people that find the true meaning within the first name of their children, also the other names in past chapters :) ) 

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