the risks of not coming out

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Requested by QalxyQueenL

"You wish to keep our secret in the dark among the light" Tokoyami stated as he felt his boyfriend kiss his neck

Hugging him from behind

"Not forever, just for now, you know how those nosey basxxds are like" bakugo whispered, trying to enjoy the calm atmosphere as much as possible

"True, but you also know how perceptive they are, they are going to find out eventually, most possibly before you are ready" Tokoyami continued, not completely comfortable with keeping secrets away from his friends

"Hey, I ain't no coward!" Bakugo shouted angrily before remembering who he was talking with

Tokoyami didn't bat an eye at the tantrum, just like how he never did even before they were dating

So instead, he skipped to the point

" We just got into this, I just want this to be between us"

"Us!" Dark shadow announced happily joining in the conversation

"Yes, it seems katsi wants to enjoy the honeymoon phase" Tokoyami stated with a sly grin, talking to the quirk but his words were fully towards bakugo

"Don't talk like I'm not here fumikage!" Bakugo yelled as he talked to the smaller male

This ended in Tokoyami being pinned down on his bed with Bakugo looking very smug with himself, knowing with his weight Tokoyami couldn't escape

"Now you're trapped, all mine!" Bakugo grinned

In response Tokoyami although flustered placed a kiss on Bakugo's forehead

"I believe the shoe is on the other foot" Tokoyami whispered as he saw his boyfriends face light up

"Dammit, I love you!" Bakugo growled as he placed a kiss of his own

He loved Tokoyami

He loved that he didn't underestimate him

He loved that he wasn't weak

He loved that he was adorable and small

He loved everything

But what he didn't love

Was someone flirting with his boyfriend

Tokoyami agreed he wouldn't share their relationship, understanding bakugos reasonings

But now Bakugo found that the"sparkle Twinkie" flirting with his love bird

Calling him something in french that although he didn't understand what it meant, Aoyama's face told him it was something romantic

At first, he thought it was just him being paranoid, not wanting to look dumb if it was nothing, plus he had promised both Tokoyami and Kirishima that he'd try to stop yelling so much

10% less, but it was progress

Then he saw Tokoyami being gifted with chocolates and red roses

Aoyama didn't give it to the Raven head himself but the writing on the little card screamed him

Bakugo was furious, ready to smash his head in before Tokoyami held him back

"Bakugo no!" Tokoyami whispered

Bakugo's rage began to simmer by hearing the soft threatening voice of his boyfriend

He let him drag the blond out of the classroom and behind the school

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