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"Squeak, squeak!" said a mouse as Gillian Cobbler woke up, it was pitch dark, I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "What is it!" I asked my pet mouse a bit too loudly, then repeated it in a whisper. I looked at the bottom bunk and saw my friend Maxine was still snoring, "Phew!" I sighed loudly and heard Maxine beginning to stir. "Just great!" I exclaimed not seeing the point in whispering. Wilson began squeaking again, I looked at him and he started talking to me, "What is he saying?" asked Maxine, "He is saying that a few friends are here to visit us." replied Gilly. "At this time?" Maxine asked but didn't get an answer; for Gilly was already out the dorm room door. "Wait for me!" exclaimed Maxine, she grabbed her pet duck Peaches. Maxine followed Gilly to Jax and Ollie's room, then to Kayla and Anna's room and finally to the front door. Doing all this no one said a word until they reached outside. "Before you all throw questions on me I need to ask Wilson to get Jack, A.G, Hayley and Jocelyn!" I told everyone and Winston ran off. "Oh and Erp!" I added to Wilson. He nodded indicating he had heard. Hayley is our half mermaid friend who came to visit after Skiltskin was defeated. A little while later Wilson returned with Jack who was riding on our friendly giant friend Erp's shoulder, Hayley, A.G and Jocelyn were hitching a ride in Erp's palm while Wilson leaded them. As soon as everyone was down the questions were raining in! "Gilly, why did you wake us up at this time!  asked Anna who was followed by Jack "Me and Erp need to be ready to patrol the forest tomorrow, why couldn't you have waited till morning!" "I need to get my beauty sleep!" joked Jax as he gave me his princely smile. "This is a waste of my slumber, I am leaving!" exclaimed Jocelyn as she mouthed some words, "Wait!" Said Maxine before Kayla or Jocelyn could leave. "If I don't get sleep, I will be grumpy tomorrow!" explained Kayla. "Me need some sleep me hearties!" said Ollie, Our pirate friend, "I am sure she has a reason to wake us up!" A.G said and Hayley agreed! A.G was getting nervous and when she did she turned into a beast, she was probably worried about her father who could be a beast, not just by appearance, he gets very grumpy when A.G is not with him where he can keep her safe. Everyone started talking over another as I silenced them, then I started talking! "Wilson told me that some friends are here waiting for us." And again before they started asking questions I ran while Wilson showed me where these 'friends' were and everyone else followed not saying another word. When we stopped I saw someone familiar, with four other unfamiliar faces behind her!

A/N  How is it do far? Hope you like it! I will be updating as fast as I can.

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