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"Gillian!" She exclaimed before we got whisked off somewhere else.

We were all in the gym. Apparently Jocelyn thought it would be better to talk in here than outside, not that I was complaining! I studied the girl's face and it hit me, she was the one who got me some food, back then when business was not going well, she had given me a note telling me she was my friend, she was Devin! The people behind her are other misfits who ran away from Royal Academy. Two of them were similar, maybe twins, probably Heath and Riana who are Snow Whites siblings. One of them is Logan, and one is Sasha (Rose's Sister)! "These people are Princess Devin, Prince Heath, Princess Riana, Prince Logan, and Princess Sasha, all royalty."

"How do you know?" asked A.G everyone agreed "I know all their names because they are the Royal Rebels from Royal Academy who were on the HEAS scroll," Everyone nodded as if they understood. "I know Princess Devin because I met her a while back, the two people who look like twins are Prince Heath and Princess Riana, Snow's siblings. The other girl must be Princess Sasha, Rose's sister, and that must be Logan!" I explained "I get it now!" said Maxine. "Thank you very much for letting us in, and you are very correct about who we are!" stated Devin. "Wait a second..." I started "I thought there were three other people with you the last time you were spotted, with Red-" "And Robin Hood!" Giggled Maxine interrupting me." "Yes, and Robin Hood, where are the other three?" I asked "They stayed in our hideout." Explained Sasha "They didn't want to come. "Ok so what are you doing here?" Ollie started "And at this time!" interrupted Jack. "We are here at this time because this is the only time we could leave our hideout safely." Logan remarked. "Robin Hood and Red gave us the exact timing!" He added. "And we are here because we need a better place to stay, which is here as reformers, where we would be least expected!" Heath stated. "We aren't prepared- Your Highness." Maxine told them. "I don't think we should wake up Headmistress Flora though and we can't just give you a dorm room so, well I don't know what we can do!" she added. Thump, thump, thump, the group heard some footsteps as Flora, the former Evil Stepmother walked in. She looked at all the people crowded and surprisingly she didn't ask any questions "I see we have some guests, Gillian, take three of the girls to dorm room 034, and Jaxon, take the two boys into dorm room 019, everyone else back to bed!" she declared "It should work out for a little while." she murmured to herself as she went back to her room. Everyone did as they were told and when I reached the dorm room Devin whispered "Thank you Gillian!" to me. "That's what friends are for!" I replied as I left for my dorm room.

A/N: Here is the link for the crossover of Gilly and Devin!


(You might need to copy and paste, idk.)

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