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                                                Third Person's P.O.V

Anna stared hard at Gilly "How do we know you are not lying?" she asked. Gilly thought for a moment and quietly said "Use your senses." Anna closed her eyes and felt a familiar tingle in the back of her neck, she saw an image in her head, Gilly was sleepwalking out of her bed and into the dark room we had found her in, "Hello, dear girl." said a cold voice, it was Olivina. By now Gilly's eyes were open, she didn't say a word "Now, down to business, I need you to retrieve the wand by tomorrow night, and bring it back here. Gilly had a flicker of color on her face, but it disappeared. Anna then hear shuffling, That must be when I brought Kayla, she thought. "Now go, or else you will get caught." said Olivina and the same picture she had been seeing the whole day, Gilly turning around to exit the room. "She is telling the truth!" Anna exclaimed happily. Her sister was not evil, that took some weight off her heart. Anna explained everything to them. "How do you know you were controlled? Kayla asks Gilly. Anna hadn't thought of that, she looked at Gilly curiously "I had a flicker of control, for a second, I was myself, I knew right away she was controlling me, I had to do something, but she took control once again. "We have to do something, she is going to get the wand tonight if we don't find a solution." Kayla takes deep breaths. 

The girls walked out of the room and got a meeting ready in Gilly's room, when they explained how they found Gilly the other night everyone gasped and looked at Gilly, then when they explained how Gilly was controlled, everyone sighed in relief, but then understood they had another problem, "We could all sleepover somewhere together and stay watch!" Maxine suggests happily. "Olivina could easily make us fall asleep with her powers." Jocelyn says flatly. "Why doesn't she just get the wand with her powers." she then asks. Logan raises his hand and says "The wand can not me taken away with magic, it is magic proof, remember, it is undefeatable." He explains. "Well, what are we going to do then?" Jocelyn says and shrugs for emphasis. "There is only one thing we can do, I am not sure it will work though," Kayla says. "Tell us." Gilly says. Kayla tells everyone her plan, the more she explained, the more everyone was sure they got do it! At night everyone was crowded in Gilly's room with their sleeping bags, soon everyone was falling asleep, Anna and Gilly were the only ones awake. Soon Gilly fell asleep too but Anna stayed awake, she couldn't lose the wand, but most importantly, she couldn't lose her sister. Half past midnight, Gilly started getting up, sleep walking, Anna closed her eyes and tried keeping Gilly in place, after a little while Gilly started moving, Anna was straining to keep Gilly, Anna knew eventually, Gilly would be out of the room, Jax woke up, he saw Anna, he woke everyone up, Kayla stood at Anna's side helping her, Gilly was frozen once again. Jocelyn came over and helped them, soon there was nothing to strain for. Anna opened her eyes and sighed in relief. She stretched, but when she looked around, 

Gilly had escaped. 

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