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                                                                           Riana's P.O.V

Olivina had found us, this is the closest to her we had gotten in a long time. I had no idea what she would do to us now, but then, I noticed Jack had found a pumpkin. I heard a click, he had found out how to use it. I ran towards him followed by everyone else and we found ourselves back into the gargoyles room. The ones still here were not awake. We were out of one mess and into another! Olivina would probably not have any radishes since she had control over them. I saw Gilly, Anna, and Kayla raise their wands while Jocelyn started chanting, suddenly, a gargoyle near Jocelyn turned into a stone, while Anna was looking at a turnip she had wanded up. Even though she looked confused, she threw a turnip, the gargoyle that ate it fell asleep, as if it was a radish she had threw. "Turnips are actually related to radishes!" I heard Devin say. I saw Gilly look confusedly at a broccoli and threw it at a nearby gargoyle, even though it wasn't very strong at first, a few second later the gargoyle fell asleep. "Broccolis are related too!" Devin said to make Gilly feel better, but she didn't really help. Now, I wasn't just standing around as the others fended themselves and Kayla started saving lots of turnips, when a gargoyle neared me I stepped on it's foot with my high heel- hard. It bounced off clearly hurt. I grabbed some turnips Kayla had gathered, "Why don't you just make radishes?" I asked. "I tested them, turnips have a faster outcome." she replied adding more to the pile. Soon, all the gargoyles were asleep. Devin loves animals so much she even eased the pain of the gargoyle I had stepped on. We all sat down on the floor, exhausted.

                                                               Hayley's P.O.V

We had finally fended up the gargoyles and when we sat down, I wet myself with the spray I had brought. Sasha came to me and asked "Why do you keep doing that!" she said pointing to my spray. "I am half mermaid and can not survive long without water!" I replied wishing I could be back at Shipwreck Cove with my friends. Last time they were their, they didn't get to stay long since they had to visit Gilly and Anna's grandmother. Sasha nodded in understanding. Soon we were up walking around in the long halls, we have been doing that a lot. "Well, what are we doing next?" I asked. "We need more clues." piped Gilly "Is a mouse a good clue?" asked Ollie pointing to a small mouse who was staring at us. "How can a mouse be a clue?" retorted Heath. "No silly, I mean your friend Devin can talk to the mouse for clues." Heath turned pink as Devin bent down to talk to the mouse. "He says that if we go straight, then left, the right, and then to the first door on the right we will find something we need." as soon as Devin said that the mouse disappeared. "Follow me!" said Sasha, she followed the instructions the mouse had gave and soon we found a room, she has really great memory. When we walked into the room, the first thing we saw was a book. The same one that was in Devin, Sasha, and Riana's room, or at least it looked like it. "Finally, we can go home!" said Jocelyn. "Wait!" said Prue. "I found this in Olivina's office, I think you will want to read this first," she said. Gilly took the paper from her and I saw her eyes widen. Then, she said "Olivina is planning to trick the royal court." 

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