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A.N: I am back with more, I know it has been a few days. I am thinking I am not going to write everyday now, I will make a schedule and let you know!

                                                                                Tara's P.O.V

"What exactly is she going to do?" Heath asked the group.  Gillian was too shocked to read it, I slipped the paper away from her and skimmed through it, I froze in shock. Jax took it from me, read it, then explained: "Olivina wants to act as if Rumpelstiltskin and Alva somehow had power on her and the power was fading away now that they are defeated. She wants to get back into power, and then take over again- this time it will be worse." I knew this, but hearing it again terrorized me again. "How worse?" Sasha questioned. "As in do anything to get rid of the princess in the royal court worse." Jax answered. "That is really worse!" Maxine exclaimed. "Well, what are we doing next?" Ollie wondered aloud. "We must get back home and warn everyone!" Gilly says quickly and goes over to the book before I can break the news to her. Anna follows her and so does Kayla, soon I find myself in a dorm room, almost as grand as the ones at Royal Academy, not that I really liked them. Thankfully, no perfume wafting through the room, it was clean, but only one part of the room looked like a princess made home, I think that is Riana's part of the room. Another part, has a bit of princess stuff, and lots of writing tools, that has to be Sasha's part. Another part has almost no princess items, it has lots of wildlife care, that it probably Devin's part of the room! "Well, let's get going!" Jax commands.

                                                                               Maxine's P.O.V

We had to go tell Flora what had happened, and after lots of explaining Flora let us go- she also told us to tell her daughters she said hello. Thankfully Blue, our magic carpet friend was here and he took us to the grand castle. We walked in to find a miserable man wearing a butler suit. He muttered things I couldn't understand and said "Enchantaisia's hero's right?" Before we could answer he continues "And you are here to find the princess in the royal court." Again he continues, "They are gone!" he says flatly as Jocelyn rages. As my heart beats a million times an hour I ask "What happened to them?" I ask and the butler answers "They are in the nearby kingdom discussing important manners." He says not even trying to hide his snicker. At this Jocelyn's anger rises, thankfully A.G takes her outside before anything serious can happen. Suddenly I here the sound that I dread: gargoyles screeching! They barge into the room, one is dangling Jocelyn and another had A.G. I notice that the group is very small, only five, I am guessing these are the ones that had broccoli. Gilly had fed 3 and I had fed 2. I knew it wasn't strong but I had done it so that Gilly didn't feel left out. Anna on the other hand was easing her way through fairy magic skills. I notice the gargoyle dropped Jocelyn and she was falling, but with her magic, she gets down to the ground safely. The gargoyle that had dropped Jocelyn and grabbed the nearest person- Gilly, as she tries to wiggle free I see A.G fall with no one to break her landing she gets unconscious, Gilly falls too, she is the same like A.G. "Jax, Maxine, get Gilly and A.G to safety." Anna commands. I run over to A.G, and pick her up, she is heavy, but I manage. I have no idea where to go so I stay back and let Jax take lead. After walking down the long halls, Jax takes a jagged right and puts Gilly down on a bed. I do the same thing to another bed. "I'm gonna go check on the other's." says Jax. "No, wait!" I say hearing footsteps. Our friends walk into the room and Jocelyn locks the door.  Everyone sits on a bed and sighs in relief. I hear loud foot steps and then knocking on the door. Jocelyn peeps through the door,  then open the door, still inspecting the new comer. She had light brown hair and looked young. "Brynn!" Devin says and goes to hug the girl.

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