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A.N: So I would like to notify you guys about a story by DarkFeyMagick

It is called Alva's Child, and it's awesome, so check it out, you won't regret it!

Back to the story--------

Sasha's P.O.V

I know people know the true identity of the Enchantasia Times (A.N: I forgot what it was called, am I right?) I still liked writing it. I was in the academy, like before, but this time I was stuck here because I was in danger. I wrote some hot news, but I just kept it to myself, maybe in the future I would remember this madness and just laugh about it. I am thinking about what I would do if we got through this Olivina mess just when Riana enters the room. "I can't even!" she says and looks at me, "Can you imagine, a lady in waiting just gave the best pre-made dress to another girl." I mentally roll my eyes, Riana doesn't think things through, and she can get quite angry about beauty stuff, "Riana, umm, don't you think the Lady in waiting gave the other girl the dress because the Lady in Waiting is hers?" Riana looks thoughtful but the says "That is possible, but the Princess sneered at me and looked down her nose at me, being rebels, sure loses respect." I get a flash of anger, we are doing the right thing, but is that what the other princesses think of us as, people who they shouldn't respect, I mean they should at least leave Riana alone, she never wanted to be a rebel, but it was just a flash, being upset won't change anything so I continue "Riana, we don't care what they think of us as, we are Royal Academy Rebels, we escaped Olivina, the most powerful fairy ever, they are just jealous of us. Ignore them." Riana looks at me with a small smile "I knew you would make me feel better." she says and pulls me into a hug.

Kayla's P.O.V

 In the early morning when I wake up, I get a feeling of being watched, I flutter into the hallway towards Gilly's room. I knock, "Comein" said a tired muffled voice, I thought it was Gilly at first, but when the door magically opened, I saw that only A.G and Maxine were in the room. I see Maxine turn around, she was the one who let me in, but now she was going back to sleep, and A.G was already asleep. I look around, still. no. GILLY. I walk out of the room, closing the door quietly, then I get an idea, I could use my fairy senses to find her. I try, I feel a tingle on the tip of my ear, but it disappears, I try again, and again, they all fail the same way. But then I get an idea, I run over too Anna's room and knock. She let's me in and I see her pacing across the room. I look at her and shoot her a confused look. "Gillyisparingupwith-." she stops there and says "Come with me." On the way she explains everything to me. "I was walking in the hallway and then I heard something, I saw it was Gilly and I followed her, and well, I will show you what I saw." We rounded a corner and entered a room. It was dark. "Now go, or else you will get caught." says a sinister voice,  someone turns around and I see a girl, the same girl I had trusted for a long time, the same girl who saved Enchantasia, the same girl who had a purple streak in her hair, the same girl who once was a petty thief, the same girl who was reformed, but was she?


Not helping right? LOL

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