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Wowzah, PART 21 (you know, subtracting the A.N's, with them it is actually part 27!) Thank you all for still reading this, now on to the story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                     Sasha's P.O.V

I sighed in relief, the wand was safe and so was Gilly, I looked around the room but didn't see her, instead I saw a ghostly faced Anna. I walked over to her. "What's wrong?" I asked. She tried to speak but couldn't she gestured for me to look around. Not. a single. Gilly. was. spotted. Yes you heard that right, Gilly was gone. I sighed again, but this time in fear, we had lost, once Olivina had the wand there was nothing we could do. But wait, there is still something we can do now! Everyone had figured out Gilly was missing so I didn't need to break the news. "We still have time." I say a bit too quietly, "We still have time." I say louder, everyone look at me, "We have to go to that room and take the wand back, but we need a plan." Everyone looks hopeful. "Does anyone have a plan?" their hope drains right of their face as fast as it had drained in. Everyone except Anna's face, "I have an idea." she says with a mischievous smile.

A few minutes we are all on board and we start the action, Devin, Tess, and Prue are in Gilly's room, Anna, Kayla and Jocelyn are in the room next to where Olivina stays, me and Riana are just around the corner of the room, Heath, Corden and Logan are on the other side of the room, in the other corner, we are ready. I quietly sneak into the room, I use the instructions Kayla told me to go to the hiding place she was on before. I wait, but I can't hear anything, well except some shuffling, someone was leaving, I think it's one of the boys considering the way it's coming from. How could they leave me now? Meanwhile in the room there is no noise, now even some breathing (besides mine). I feel like hours have gone by, has Olivina already left with the wand? Then I hear footsteps and get ready. Instead of Gilly, I hear Devin's voice, "Gilly doesn't have the wand, it's right here!" Devin says excitedly. I get out of hiding and go outside the room, Devin is holding the wand. "But then, where is Gilly?" whimpers Anna, who has also gotten out of the room she was in. Suddenly Jax walks into the hallway we are in with Heath, Gilly is unconscious, they are dragging her into the hallway. Anna runs up to her sister with a sad look in her eyes. "We need to get out of here." that is all I hear, then I find my self somewhere else.

                                                                                 Riana's P.O.V

"Where are we?" I ask, someone whisked us into......

A dark room. Of course it had to be dark. I groan. "Who brought us here?" I ask rolling my eyes. "I did, said Anna. I look at her, she sure looks like she knows what she is doing, I decide not to press on that manner "OK, then where are we?" I ask again. "Back in Olivina's lair." she says simply. Everyone gasps. "Anna-" Kayla starts, but Anna interrupts "We can't keep hiding, we must face Olivina and end this, you guys don't understand-" Anna is about to say more but everyone's face has changed "Anna, you are right." Gilly says weakly. Anna looks at Gilly surprised, all of us didn't know Gilly had come too. Kayla's eyes light up "Anna, you have healing magic, when you cast a travel spell you heal!" (A:N If you read The Adventures Guide To Treasure (and how to steal it), you would know fireballs heal you when you travel in one, that is where I got the inspiration) Anna looks at her proudly. "You must be getting more powerful if you can do that!" Kayla says. "Now, we must prepare." Anna says. Everyone cheers, I may not know Gilly much, but I know enough that Gilly is a great leader, and I guess, Anna got from her, so she it too. We get out of the room after feeling around, it is not too dark, but it still is dark, we walk proudly, feeling unconquerable, I wonder how long it will last, but I enjoy it while it is still here.

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