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                                                   Heath's P.O.V

I watch as Anna and Devin follow Gilly into Jocelyn's room and decide to find out what they are doing, so I follow too, and they don't mind. "Jocelyn, can you use your magic to make Anna safe from Olivina?" Gilly sounds impatient. "Why me?" Jocelyn demands. "I don't know, because you're sister is like very strong with her magic." retorts Gilly. "Fine, but give me some time." Jocelyn says and Gilly stares hard at her. "Ok, ok." Jocelyn looks at Anna. "Give me that necklace." Anna hands it to her and Jocelyn walks to a closet, inside it, there are potions and other things probably used to make potions. "Come back when I call you." Jocelyn says and gestures for is to leave. Gilly takes Anna into her room and Devin walks up to me. "What happened?" I asked. "Turns out that Olivina is trying to control Anna." she answers. "Why Anna, why not Kayla or Gilly, Anna is younger!" I want to know, but Devin shakes her head. "That is what I have been wondering." she says and I sigh. When will this trouble end is all I can wonder.  I walk to my room in a daze "What's wrong?" Jax asks quietly. I tell him the whole story and look at him. He looks different from before, he looked relived.  I leave him and jump into my bed. "You are going to sleep now?" He asks. I just shake my head up and down and then I nod off.

                                                  Ollie's P.O.V 

I sneak into the cafeteria for some pattycakes, I can't let my friends see me! The lady gives me a plateful and I lick my lips and walk to my table. Halfway their I hear a voice "Ollie, what in the world are you doing." I look up, there is Kayla, flying over to me, I groan. Kayla all of a sudden started thinking I should stop eating pattycakes for my own sake. I don't get what she means by that but I do get that I am in big trouble right now. She snatches the pattycakes and returns them to the lady. By the time she gets back I am already running into my room. One great thing here is that there isn't a magic mirror- yes I know, there WAS one, but turns out, when Olivina left, the guy in the mirror never came back, so I am free to run, for now. I see Heath sleeping on his bed and Jax is on his desk reading something, as I get closer, I notice it is his 5 years from now paper. I remember Gilly's face expression change all of a sudden the day she read it so I decide I could read it too, but Jax hears me and ruins my plan. He gets all overprotective and hides the paper. "Hey, what are you looking at?" he almost shouts. His face is flushed, I back off. "Ok, ok, you can tell me when you are ready." I say to sound as if I had already read it. He locks it into the bottom cabinet and looks at me." I won't touch it I promise!" I say. He obviously got tricked by my "I know what is happening" voice. He walks out of the room looking at me. I decide to leave him alone, otherwise I would have picked the lock and found out what exactly he wrote. Heath is awake. "What just happened with Jax?" he asks trying not to look at me. "I don't know, he probably had something personal." I explain coldly. He nods and goes back to sleep. I really don't like him.

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