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                                                                    Heath's P.O.V

We were walking perfectly with Gilly and her sister leading us until the noise I dreaded so much ringed into my ears. I immediately bounced into action. Everyone stopped walking, there was a shadow, it was terrifying, I was about to tell everyone to run the other way when out came 3 oversized mice, wait a second, I've seen them before! Riana, Devin and Sasha ran over to them with me following. Gilly and her friends were confused to see us running towards the mice we were supposed to run away. Jax came towards me slowly, I think he is cool even though he seems very familiar. The only person I have a problem with is Ollie, he is way annoying, I am going to have to stay away from him. "What is happening?" Jax asked me. "These are our friends!" I replied as Tara, Prue, and Corden got their costumes off, they disappeared as soon as they left them. "Cool!" said Jocelyn, "You have got to teach me how you do that!" she added looking envious. "We thought you were Olivina's gargoyles!" said Anna as everyone nodded. "That was just a fun affect I messed with." said Corden shrugging. No body said anything until Maxine asked "Did you make those costumes?" "Well-" Corden started but got cut off by Sasha. "He is so great at it, that is the reason he got suspended for Royal Academy, Olivina did not want him to do continue his talent. He can make them disappear after you take them off, and they look so real!" she boasted. "That is not possible Prince!" Jocelyn sneered. She is not very likeable, too negative. 

                                                                         Kayla's P.O.V

The 3 people are royalty, I have never been near so many royals before. "We better get going!" said Tara speaking for the first time since we met her. Everyone once again followed Gilly-no Anna, Gilly is letting Anna lead us! It has been hard to trust her since Skiltskin sabotaged her, it has been hard for all of us but Gilly the most. I flew over to her my wings fluttering too quickly, I took deep breaths and they slowed down. I flew down to Gilly and asked her "How much longer till we get there, try focusing very hard and you might find out!" I advised. She did so without saying a word. After what seemed like a while she finally said "I can't!" Just great! "Try again, I will go try Anna." I didn't really mind about how long we were going to walk, I just wanted their fairy powers to rise. I walked over to Anna and asked "Anna, can you try focusing hard enough to find out how much longer till we get there? She nodded and closed her eyes focusing as much as she could. "I know it! she exclaimed, everyone went quiet, "We have 5 minutes and 29 seconds left taking the route we have right now to our destination!" she said proudly. Even Gilly was proud of her, "Gilly did you find out yet?" I asked her. "I found out after Anna said "I know it", I think that since Anna has started using her fairy powers when she was younger then me she will be very strong." Gilly said with a hint of sadness, which was quickly washed away as she said "At least she now has something to be better than me at, she only went with Skiltskin because she wanted to have something to be good at!" I nodded as she looked happy once again. A little while later, we arrived and Jax said: "It has been exactly 5 minutes 29 seconds, I timed it with my stopwatch!" he said sticking out his stop watch. I looked around, we were in a room that looked like FTRS's safe room. We decided to rest while Gilly whisked us some food. I went to go ask Ollie if he wanted my pattycake, since it was the last one and I didn't want it, but I noticed ........................







he had disappeared.

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