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I gasped, Enchantasia is not safe anymore, just when I thought we were done crime fighting! I wish I could get a small break. "Gilly, are you listening?" questioned Devin her head cocked snapping me out of my day dream. "We didn't know if she would attack once again, but she did yesterday. The gargoyles were a distraction, Lily told me, but-what she do when she distracted us?" "Woah, woah, woah, first of all you were talking to quickly and who is Lily?" asked Ollie. Devin opened her mouth to speak but got cut off by Heath "Devin tends to talk quickly when she is nervous or scared, and Lily is her pet lizard." Devin nodded smiling at Heath. "Hey maybe Jocelyn can look into a magic ball or something to find out what Olivina did!" said Maxine brightly. Jocelyn looked at her and said "For your information, I can't see exactly what she did but I can find out where." Ok that's a great start I thought as Jocelyn started muttering some words. "Hey, how did you talk to Lily, she isn't human?" asked Kayla "Maybe she is a fairy pet, you know because we can understand our fairy pets!" said Maxine referring to Peaches her obnoxious duck (don't tell her I said that). "No, I can talk to any animal, I have the gift." explained Devin. "Just like A.G can sing to make a pumpkin grow!" exclaimed Jack. The Royals looked at A.G in wonder, she was shy, I could see it in her face. "Got it, she did something in dorm room 034!" boomed Jocelyn completely proud of herself. "Isn't that our room?" asked Sasha. "Yeah!" I said, everyone bolted toward the room after hearing me, well except Logan and Heath who had no idea which way to go since they haven't been here before, and only the girls have been there, and everyone had taken a turn and were no where in sight. "Follow me!" I told them as I started speed walking. When we entered the dorm, it was a mess and everyone was making the mess worse. I started looking around in the secret compartment. "Hey, I didn't know we had one of those!" said Riana, "Every dorm has one!" I told her and saw Heath nodding while Logan looked in awe. Nothing was in the compartment, I was about to look somewhere else when I heard Kayla exclaim "I found some thing!" We ran towards her and saw a small book with an O on it, I heard a chorus of gasps, they were all from Devin and her friends. After this what happened was very fast. The Royals backed up and so did everyone else, but me, Anna and Kayla couldn't, as soon as everyone was a fair distance away, the book started glowing and opened up.

A.N: I did it! Just so you know other days I just copy and paste the words of my story from another website but like I said, I didn't expect to keep writing so there was no more on the website, but this chapter was all written today! Enjoy!

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