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The next day I was in my room thinking about the brief sighting of Olivina when Anna knocked at my dorm room door. I opened it for her and as she sat down on a chair she asked: "What has been troubling you?" I was about to protest but then she told me how she knew something was up so I gave in. "After the cold gust, I believe I saw Olivina." I told her. "-For a split second!" I added. "Really!" she asked, looking at me in wonder, then she frowned sadly. "You still don't trust me? I want to be good Gilly, I really do. Please, you know Stilskin is gone, I know he was wrong, please trust me!" she said referring to the times she helped Rumpelstiltskin. I winced "I trust you Anna, I think I saw her, now you just need to trust me!" "Promise?" asked Anna as she raised her pinkie finger. "Promise!" I replied linking my pinkie into hers. "I am not sure if I saw her but I am telling you the truth that I know." I said, "I know!" she assured me. Apparently my friends were eavesdropping about conversation. "Wow!" said Ollie. "You sure you saw her? Probably not." said Jocelyn negatively. "It is because of us." Riana said staring into the distance. "Enchantasia is not safe anymore!" said Devin. 

AN: Sorry it was short and ends (like literally)with a cliffhanger! Thank you for reading my book!

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