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                           A.N: I decided to write another chapter today, we are nearing the end!

                              Maxine's P.O.V

Yikes. Is all I can think. I am sure my friends feel that too, by the looks on their faces. Hayley is back, I don't know when she came to, but hopefully she knew we needed to battle. The Royal Court are looking fierce, even Ella, I am sure it must have been hard to think someone so trustworthy for her, just betrays her. I found out that Olivina is Tara's grandmother, I can't imagine how hard that is for her. When Rumpelstiltskin attacked, we were prepared, we had the whole FTRS school at our aid, and we won, I don't know if it will be that easy this time. In a cold blast, one gargoyle appears, Olivina looks confused. "WHERE ARE MY OTHER GARGOYLES?" she roars. They are probably still sleeping, thank Grimm Anna put a spell on the turnips, or they might have came here for Olivina. "Well, then I guess I will change my plans." She says coldly. The Royal Court disappeared, it is just us, a group of kids, that had defeated many villains, we can do this. But I still feel my eye roll in it's socket. I see Kayla hover towards Anna, then to Gilly, who is right beside me. "Use your fairy senses, call for help, I will call my mom, Anna says she will call my sisters, and you call Grandma Pearl." she instructs Gilly in a whisper. I see Anna, who's eyes are closed, she is calling someone, Gilly is doing so too, she calls quite quickly, and acts normal once again. Anna is done too, and so is Kayla. We have our backup, we might win this after all!

                                                    Logan's P.O.V

I notice Anna, Gilly, and Kayla close their eyes, they must be using their fairy magic, whatever they are doing, we will get something to help us. I relax a bit, so does everyone else. "Well, what are you waiting for?" Olivina asks smugly. "Can't be waiting here all day." She gets her wand out, and does something, it doesn't do anything to us, but then I notice, the doors and windows have a kind of shield, we can't get out now even if we wanted to. I hear a rumble, tons of ogres, trolls, fairies, merpeople (in tanks which are floating in the air and moving somehow), kids, and the professors make their way towards the castle, Anna, Gilly, and Kayla sure picked a wise choice, we will win, I know this. But they can't get in. "Mrs. Flora, there is some kind of barrier." Sasha yells loudly. "We will try to bring it down." Harlow shouts back. While they are doing that we need to battle Olivina and stall time. "They will never get in." Olivina says simply, smirking. "Really?" Riana asks. I remember how good she is at distracting people. "Well, I know that one of the rooms are not locked." Riana lies. "WHERE?" demands Olivina. "I'm not telling you, either you will have to go and find it, or you will ignore it and they will get in. Then you are done for." Riana fibs. Olivina looks at her in rage, her face is almost purple. She tries using her magic to find the room and fails. She can't do it. "Watch them." Olivina tells the gargoyle. This will be easy. She walks out of the room and takes the hallway. But would Olivina make it that easy for us?

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