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A.N: Sorry for not updating in a while, get ready, this chapter is going to be awesome!!!!

                                                       Brynn's P.O.V                                           (Yes I said Brynn's P.O.V)

Where am I right now? Well I am actually in the Royal Castle, on the floor, right in front of my Devin and her friends, and Gilly and her friends. Why can't they see me? Because I am tiny, in this kind of mini capsule. No one can see me. Ok stop, I will answer all your questions if you let me explain. When Olivina caught me, I kept my head down, she didn't say anything about that, but she didn't like how I wouldn't talk so she shrank me and put me in this little capsule. She then put me in another room where two other people were in capsules like me. They don't look like my age, they look older, they were a couple, and something about their face was familiar. Even though I could hear everything around me, no one else can hear me when I talk. Today, Olivina took me out of the room and latched me to her dress, she then took me with her to the Royal Castle, "Good for making them do something I want!" she had said as she brought me. At the castle she had an unpleasant conversation with the friends, and left to look for the door or window that was open,  while she walked out of the room I fell, I was ok and the capsule didn't make any sound, she had left the other people in capsules in the room back at her lair. I wonder who they were. Anyways, that brings us to now. No one saw me, they had conjured a radish and threw it at the gargoyle who was guarding them. It fell asleep as soon as it ate it. Devin had been keeping her head down while Olivina was here, but she put her head back up when Olivina left. She had sadness written over her face, she must have remembered me. No one will see me, I have to catch their attention. Devin is behind all of them, so Olivina would have never seen her. I decide to roll over to her. I feel like a hamster. Eventually I make my way to Devin, they are making a plan. I bump into her foot. She looks down and picks me up, she then inspects me. Once she is done, her face brightens up. "BRYNN!" she exclaims happily. Everyone looks at her, they crowd along watching me. "We got to get her out!" Gilly instructs. "How?" Someone asks. I know how. But I can't speak. I decide to talk using actions, I gesture my arm like I am using a wand. "Wand!" Jax says. I nod, Then I pretend to show my muscles. "Strong?" asks Ollie. I shake my head and try something else. I point and my clothes, they are yellow, just like the wand, then I show my muscles again. After some thinking Anna finally says "The Powerful Wand!"

                                              Devin's P.O.V

You can't imagine how happy I was to see Brynn, but she was in this kind of capsule, as happy as I was to see her, I wouldn't want her to be stuck in a capsule. Heath had offered breaking the capsule but she said no. When Anna found out what was needed to get her out, I couldn't contain my happiness, I squirmed in delight. "Do you need to say a bunch of fancy words?" Ollie asks. "No!" scowls Kayla. "She uses her senses, haven't you noticed that yet?" she asks. Heath snickers. Ollie tinges pink. Kayla is looking at Anna now. Anna has conjured the wand out of her new tiny bag, I thought it was awesome, even though the the bag is as small as an acorn, it can carry anything! The is wand pointed at the capsule. A little while later, Anna instructs me to put Brynn down, the glass breaks and turns into flower petals, and Brynn gets back to her normal size. I sigh in relief. Once Brynn is done I go up to her and hug her. "Thank you!" I tell her. "Not to end this nice reunion but, I think we have a problem." Jax says. Oh no. I look at where he is looking. The gargoyle hadn't been asleep, it was pretending. and it had heard everything. He is going to tell Olivina, I just know it. She will find out and take the wand away from us, then, she will be invincible. But of course the gargoyle won't leave without a fight, there is no way he is helping Olivina when we could stop it. "Quick, we have to do something!" Riana says. Anna, Gilly, Jocelyn, and Kayla have brought some fighting tools out. We all take some, we struggle, the gargoyle stinks, and its screams make me feel like my ears will be popped, I have a feeling Olivina will be back soon. We have to hurry it up. The gargoyle tries to flee, and fails, Harlow still hasn't gotten rid of the barrier. The gargoyle is bumping his head in the barrier, I am afraid that it would get unconscious but suddenly, the barrier opens. The gargoyle flies out and flies as fast as it can, as if its life depended on it- I guess it did. But something was weird with this gargoyle, it looked confused. I decided to worry about that later. Now that the people from FTRS are here, Olivina is outnumbered!

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