Chapter 8: Awaking

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After 40 min, Naruko left the house. In Uchiha Residences, Yuri felt something went wrong on this day, and she felt sad, worried, and scared.

Ryo, her husband, notices what she feels when he looks at her face. He walks toward her and embraces his wife. "Hey, what's wrong, dear?"

"I-I don't know... I just felt something horrible gonna happen today, and I'm anxious about them." Yuri said in a sad voice that came out of her mouth.

Ryo nodded, "Yeah, you right feel about the same. I gonna go check them out."

"Dear..." She was about to protest, but she shook her head, "Nah, never mind."

Ryo looked at her with concern, "Are you sure?"

Yuri nodded as she gave a said sad smile. "Yeah, it's okay... oh, one last thing."  She kisses her husband. "Be safe, okay."

Ryo smiled, "Yeah, I'll, hehe." He strokes her hair and disappears in front of her, leaving a single leaf on the ground.


In the woods, Hinata walks slowly, entering the training field and worried about her friend. 'Kyo-Kun, please be okay...'  Then she heard a voice, and a fighting sound sneaked behind the threes. She tries to use Byakugan to see the scene, but her vision is limited because of a lack of training. 

Then Hinata saw Kyo being hit by a powerful punch by the leader.

'Kyo, NO!'  Hinata shouts from her heart—Hinata is about to deactivate her Byakugan when she sees Naruko and Sasuki on the ground

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'Kyo, NO!'  Hinata shouts from her heart—Hinata is about to deactivate her Byakugan when she sees Naruko and Sasuki on the ground. Naruko is unconscious, Sasuki is barely conscious, Akira is bleeding to death, and other girls hold him and cry.

'Kyo said, stay here, but NO!  I-I must help them whatever it takes.' Hinata runs to help them, but suddenly, Hasuto appears in front of her, knocking her out, grabbing her, and regrouping back to his team.


Sastuki is disbelieving, "N-No, No No, KYO!" Tears fell from her eyes, and she began to cry hard. She looked at them angrily and, tears in her eyes, then she saw one of them left, and in a second, he was back with someone in his arm. 

Then Satsuki realizes who that was. "HINATA!" She shouts out loud she knows Hinata and the dead boy Akira because they play together, even though this should be the first time their train together.

That shout makes all of them look at raven hair girl.

Hasuto smirked, "Taros, I found this girl spying on us with Byakugan."

Taros look at Hinata as he smirk, "Ho? Hyuga brat also here, huh?"

"Taros, what are we going to do with them?" Mota asks.

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