Chapter 23: Flashback and Forest of Death

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At the entrance of the Stadium where Chunin tests are. The girls of Team Seven arrive there, and Kyo is the last one who arrives.

Kyo saw Maito Gai's clone thrown out of the building, and he knew who it was. "Lee!" He runs toward the boy with the others.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sakura asks the thick eyebrows boy as the boy named Lee looks at Sakura with shining eyes.

"Are you an angel?" The boy name Lee asks while a bit dizzy.

"What?" Sakura sweatdrop with the other as he looks at his surrounding. He sees more beautiful girls.

"Oh, my Kami-Sama group of angels are here for me." Lee was still in his dizziness, and then suddenly, he jumped from where he was lying down.

Lee gives a Gai big smile as he introduces himself. "YOSH! I'M ROOK LEE NICE TO MEET YOU, MISS ANGELS!"

The boy's head down shows some respect. He wore green spandex, the same as Gai did, and even his hair was the same as Gai's.

 He wore green spandex, the same as Gai did, and even his hair was the same as Gai's

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Sakura was speechless for a second as she replied. "Hi? I'm Sakura Haruno?"

"Satsuki Uchiha..." Satsuki said in a cold tone cause she didn't like other weirdos.

Naruko grin, "Naruko Uzumaki! Nice to meet you Lee-San!"


"Why have you been throwing out the building?" Naruko asks.

Lee looks at Naruko as he says. "Oh, they said I'm too loud!"

Satsuki mutter, "I can see that..."

Kyo sighed, "Can't blame you, Lee. You look so much like Gai-Sensei or even act like him too."

"Huh?" Lee still didn't notice Kyo behind the girl, but when he saw Kyo, his eyes were wide open, and he is quickly rushing toward Kyo and gently push the girl away.

"SENPAI! (SENIOR!) AM GLAD YOU ARE AWAKE!" Lee yells while he is in tears of happiness.

"Sempai?" Naruko asks.

"Lee, you are older than me. Why do you call me that?" Kyo asks the green spandex kid.

Lee rubbed his tear away as he answered. "You train with Gai-Sensei longer than me! So that makes you have more experience than me! So it's my right to call you Senpai!" 

Kyo sighed and rubbed his temple, "Just... call me Kyo, okay?"

Lee nodded, "OKAY, KYO-SEMPAI!" He makes thumbs up, and Gai's signature smiles with shining teeth.

The girls shield their eyes while they yell at the same time. 'MY EYES!!'

Before one can say a word, they are interrupted by someone's voice.

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