Chapter 2: Konoha Rampage

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•3 Days Before Kyuubi Atack•

Yuri holds her baby as she says, "Kyo-Chan, do you want to take a bath."

Baby Kyo giggles at her.

Yuri smiled and said, "I will take that as a yes."


Yuri finished washing her new son as she rocked the baby in the air with a smile and said, "There you go, fresh! Not's like your father."

She glares at Kyo's father That he didn't take a shower yet while still lying on the ground reading book.

Ryo turned his head and said, "What? It is still early. It's too cold."

Yuri glared as she said. "I didn't care. After all, Kyo-Chan is just fine with it, and Why You Don't!"

Ryo sighed as he said in defeat, "Okay."

The father slowly gets up and walks to the bathroom. Kyo wants to follow his father with both his hand gesture to the air signal to take Ryo to take Kyo with him.

"No, Kyo-Chan, you have already taken a bath," Yuri said and didn't let Kyo to his father.

Ryo smiled as he said, "Aww, Kyo-Chan wants speed time with his dad!" The father is just about to take baby Kyo, but his mother is. Push him away.

"AH, No, you are smelly, stay away, don't let your smell infect Kyo-Chan!"

Ryo down as he sighed and said to his son, "Sorry, Kyo-Chan, but you must stay with your mom."

Baby Kyo gave his father Big Cute Eyes, making Ryo really have to resist the cuteness.

Ryo turned away from the cuteness of his son as he said, "Yuri-Chan, please take him away before I can't resist."

Yuri smiled as she said, "Hai, come to me, Kyo-chan. We were going to visit your auntie." Yuri picks baby Kyo to her arm.

Ryo looked at his wife as he said, "Wait, you said you want to visit your sister?"

Yuri smiled while looking at Ryo, "Yeah, why not?"

"Well, you know, after..." Ryo said with a sad face.

Ryo was silent for about a couple of minutes. Yuri didn't see her family for long because she was told she couldn't have a child after those critical injuries. She got depressed and locked herself up for years now. No one knows what her condition is.

Ryo does all the work to cover up Yuri's condition after her injury. So everyone doesn't know how bad her condition is, not even her family. The only one known for now is the Hokage.

Yuri sighed as she said, "Yeah, it's too long. I haven't seen any of my friends or my family."

Ryo gave a hopeful smile as he said to his wife. "Well, if you are ready to go out and see people... THIS IS THE RIGHT TIME!" He Gives her a BIG SIMILE and thumb up.

Yuri smiled back as she said, "Thanks, Ryo-Kun. And go to the bath, you very SMELLY!"

Ryo didn't say anything. He went straight to the bathroom and was slightly scared while in thought, 'Damn, Yuri-Chan got scarier the past four days.'


Baby Kyo plays with his mother. Yuri is in front of her sister's house; she takes a deep breath and says, "Okay, Yuri, you can do this."

She takes a deep breath, smiles at her son, and goes to the front door. She was about to knock on the door. Suddenly the door opens itself. A woman is standing right behind the door, and she is also one who opens the door.

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