Chapter 20: Memories?

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That was the last thing Kyo Uchiha heard before his consciousness faded away. Kyo suddenly blinked his eyes as he saw him in the dark space. He felt like standing on flat ground. He looked down; he saw a deep endless void in a dark space. It was dark. The only light is on top of his head.

"Where am I?" His voice echoes the entire area. He rubs his hair and sighs. "Am I... Dead?"

Kyo asks himself; he wants to know the answer, but he never gets it. He wants to know if his teammate is safe. Is Kakane okay? Is he dead? The answer is that he never knows because he is alone. 

The Saiyan Uchiha is down to his knees. He remembers what Asura said to him.



Asura smile. "Now, now, don't be like that... I'll give you a question, Tomarot-to..."

Kyo growl. "W-What is it."

"Join me and conquer this planet together or die with this planet," Asura said with an evil smile.

Kyo was shocked as he said, "W-What!? No WA-" His word cut off when Asura waves his finger.

"Nah, ha... I will give you one year to think about it..." Asura said as he walked away but stopped suddenly. "Oh, I forgot my present." He fires a Ki beam straight through Kyo's stomach.


•End Flashback•

"No, I will not let that happen. I must get out here! I can't let Asura destroy the world!" Kyo stands back to his feet and starts running into the dark space void, searching for a way out from there after hours or days. 

The young Saiyan didn't know how long he was running. He didn't stop. He must find a way out there. Suddenly his boy gives up; he can't continue to run, and he is exhausted.

"Damit, no, I can't stop now. I must find a way out here!" He touches his hand to the ground to stand up, but he feels his hand are wet. He looked down he saw water. Water is everywhere.

"Water? But how? Maybe I'm getting closer to out of here!" Kyo tries to stand, but his body felt heavy. He is down to his knees again, heavy breathing. "D-Damit! I-I must continue... I must keep running..."

He falls flat into the water. First, the water was not deep at all; it was at ankle level at first, but when his body fell into the water, the deep water was no longer at ankle level, and his body continued to fall into deep bottomless water. 

With half-open eyes, Kyo only can see his body go deeper and deeper.

Kyo extends his arm forward, 'No, I must get back up there...'

Kyo lost consciousness again. 

Then The Saiyan boy heard someone calls him or someone. He slowly opens his eyes; a girl with blond hair and brown eyes is looking at him beside her. There are two other girls. One has white hair, black eyes with a red mark under her eyes. The other one has pale skin, long black hair, yellow eyes, and a yellow mark around her eyes. Then the blond one said to him.

"Hey! Get up! Sensei said we are going to have a mission!" The blond girl said.

Kyo wants to say something like, who are you? Or where am I? But it seems like he can't control his body. Then his body reacted on its own and said back to the blonde girl.

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