Chapter 5: Hinata Hyuga

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In Uchiha residences, Naruko wakes in the blind morning and feels Kyo is not by her side.

Naruko sighs, 'Kyo must go out training already. I hope Kaa-San didn't find out, or it will be a bad day for Kyo then.' The blonde goes back to sleep.


In the training field, Kyo throws shuriken to the training board, and a perfect score to the middle makes Kyo smiles, 'Hell yeah, another perfect score for me, hehe.'

When the boy looks at the top of the mountains, the sunrise is just about to appear. So he thinks he should go back home before his mom notices that he is not in his room.

"Well, I that enough for today. I guess it is time to go home, and it's cold!" Kyo said to himself, and he blamed himself for not taking a sweater before he went out to train. 

When the raven hair boy was just about to leave the training field, he heard screaming not far from his position.


"Who is that? Someone in danger?"  Kyo starts running towards where the scream came from. Kyo smirked, "I hope it's a bear. I want to test my new skill after all, hehe."

When he arrives, Kyo sneaks up behind the trees and sees the scene about just what happened.  Kyo sees three boys and one girl. 

The girl is being bullied by the three boys. That made Kyo mad. He didn't like someone to bully someone, especially if they bully a girl. 

His mother always said to respect a Woman or Girl because his mother said women are weak than men. So they need men's protection, not bully them or hurt them.



In the dining room, Yuri explains something that makes Kyo confuse. "Remember Kyo-Chan, women are weak than men, so when the times come, I want you to protect them."

Kyo tilts his head to the side, "Why are women weak than men? And I'm pretty sure you are stronger than Dad, Kaa-San."

Of course, some children thought their mom was stronger than their father because, in some families, the wife had to beat the shit out of her husband. The same case with Kyo here. He always sees his mother beat his dad's ass when Ryo does something wrong. So he thinks his mother is strong than his father.

Yuri sighed as she said, "No, Kyo-Chan. I'm not that strong, but! As a Wife and Mother, I need to look stronger than I look and listen to me, Kyo-Chan, no matter how strong a woman is. They still need Men's protection. Like your father and me."

Yuri smiles while petting her son on the head, "So when the time comes, I want you to protect someone who needs help, especially your sister Naruko or even Satsuki."

"But can I protect you, Isachi and the others too?" Kyo asks and still confused.

Yuri gives a hug, "Of course, you can! And remember, when someone needs your help, you should help them.

Ryo enters into the conversation behind them. "Enough with Women who need protection. Men also need protection from Women, too, ya know?"

Yuri giggles, "I know that."

"Huh?" Kyo got more confused.

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