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It hurts, it hurts so much... the person I grew up with since childhood is gone. I miss him so much, I miss him... Since the day I heard about his death, I've locked myself in my room. I just can't believe my Sufyan is dead.

I went through severe emotional trauma, refusing to eat or drink for weeks, and not speaking to anyone. All I did was think and cry, making it my hobby. But then I realized that crying wouldn't bring him back; he only needed my prayers and nothing else.

Right now, Zarah is taking me somewhere, and I'm shocked to see she's driven us to the hospital... a place I've grown to dread. She looks at me for a few minutes before I shake my head, feeling my head spin. 'Please, let's go back,' I beg, my voice cracking.

Abdul, just stay strong for me, please...

I can't... please, let's go back.'

"'Huh, ya Allah,' she muttered... 'Abdul, listen, I just want to show you something. Please, please stay strong, please.' I smiled, nodding my head. We walked hand in hand towards the entrance... Just as I stepped in, I started feeling dizzy... But I tried to be strong because I didn't want to see her breaking down.

As we walked hand in hand towards the entrance, we finally reached a ward, and she slid the door open. I felt a wave of panic wash over me as we walked inside. Suddenly, Zarah stopped in front of a hospital bed. My heart was racing as I tried to look at the person lying there. I tried to look at the person on the bed, but the moment I did, everything went black."

"I opened my eyes, confused and disoriented. I am  in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV drip. Zarah is  sleeping in a chair beside me, looking pale and exhausted. She has lost weight and looked sickly. I felt terrible that she has been by my side the whole time. What happened? And why did I feel so weak?

As I stared at Zarah, I could see that she isn't sleeping peacefully. Her face is scrunched up in a frown, and she's muttering in her sleep. It took me a few minutes to make out what she is  saying, but I realized that she is calling out for her mother. I felt a pang of guilt - Zarah has been by my side this whole time, and I haven't even thought about her family. Maybe it's time to take her to see them.

But as I lay there thinking about what to do next, my thoughts drifted to Asma. She has come back to this country a few months back, and she's definitely planning is was foggy. One thing is certain, though - Asma's presence spelled trouble."

"I just hope this won't affect my relationship with Zarah...

I miss Sufyan; I wish he is here with me to tell me what to do. I need to share my problems with someone. I wanted to share them with Zarah, but wallah, I'm scared as hell and afraid to reveal more about myself to her. I really want to share my sorrow with her, but something is stopping me from doing so. Last time, I felt hurt and broken when she insulted me. I silently wipe away my tears and hold my aching head... I need to go and see how Ummi is doing, and insha Allah, by tomorrow, I'll be going to Lagos to see how Mommy is coping there."

"Sufyan is... the only person who listened to my rants, the only person who understood me, the only person who stood by my side through both good and bad times. The only person who saw me at my worst and still stayed with me... Ya Allah, I pray he's in a better place." I miss you, man; I wish you are here with me so I could tell you many things... I stare out the window, taking a deep breath, which makes Zarah open her sleepy eyes.

"Oh God, Abdul, are you okay? Do you need something?" she asks in a worried tone.

"Hey, calm down," I say, pulling her onto me. "Are you sick?" I ask, staring at her while she shakes her head. "I'm not," she mumbles, trying to stand up. I hold her tighter, not giving her a chance to move. "Your body is burning, babe; I hope all is well. Do you want to visit Ummi? I can take you there today if you want," I mumble.

"No, I..." She stares at me intently. "You what? Promise me you won't act stupid if I tell you. You will believe me and you will act calm when I tell you."

I smile reassuringly. "Anything for you."

She nods her head, and I can sense a mix of fear and determination in her eyes. "Abdul, Sufyan is not dead. The person you saw laying on the..." But I cut her off, covering her mouth with my palms.

"Shhh, please let's not talk about that. I've already come to terms with it. See, I'm fine; I'm not crying. I know he just needs my prayers, that's it. And insha Allah, I know he's in a better place."

But she persists, her voice firm and urgent. "No, Abdul, I'm telling you the truth. He's in a coma; he's not dead. The person you saw laying in the bed is Sufyan, Abdul. No one get the chance to talk to you because you locked yourself in the room, not giving anyone a chance to talk to you, to tell you the truth..."

"She didn't finish her statement before I quickly removed the drip from my hand and jumped down from the bed, following her to the room she had taken me to earlier. I rushed towards the bed, hoping against hope that she isn't playing a cruel prank on me. As I raised my head and looked at the bed, I saw him lying there, helpless...

'Sufyan,' I whispered, my voice shaking, my hand trembling as I touched his. It wasn't a dream; he is alive! Thank you, God... Ya Allah... The tears I have been holding back finally streamed down my cheeks. Zarah tried to console me, but I couldn't stop until I exhausted myself. She eventually managed to drag me out of the hospital, but not before telling me that I would be coming back every day.

"Drive me to Ummi's house," I said, closing my eyes as a wave of pain washed over me. My head is throbbing, and my heart is racing so fast it hurt."

"It's been a long time since my head hurt this much. Zarah asked if I'm okay, and I tried to smile and reassure her, but I couldn't hide my discomfort. As we approached Ummi's house, the sight of the cars and security outside filled me with dread. I'm not sure what to expect as we drove through the gates."

Zarah noticed something is off and asked if we should go back, but I didn't respond, trying to hide the extent of my pain. We drove through the gates, and the sight of all the security and fancy cars only added to my anxiety. As we got out of the car, I heard a commotion inside the house. When we entered Ummi's part of the house, Zarah greeted everyone warmly, but I could barely muster a hello. My anger is building as I saw the woman who has hurt Ummi, now begging for forgiveness.

"My heart raced as the cruel woman turned to face me. I struggled to keep my composure, but my anger is simmering just below the surface. Zarah noticed my distress and tried to comfort me, but it's  no use. As the woman approached me, I felt my head spinning. I took a step back, shouting, "Don't, don't, don't!"

The memories of what has happened to Ummi came flooding back, and I could barely contain my rage. I gritted my teeth, my fists clenched so tightly that my knuckles turned white. "No, no, no!" I screamed, backing away from the woman. I didn't want her in our house, and I didn't want her near me. She had hurt Ummi, and the thought of it is unbearable.

I turned to Ummi, pleading with her to make the woman leave. I was consumed by anger and upset, feeling dizzy and disoriented. And then, everything went black."

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