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I opened my eyes to find myself in bed, knowing Abdul must have brought me here. I sat up, holding my head, which is throbbing with pain. "God, my Ammi, what's wrong with me?" I cried out, feeling desperate to see her before I died. I'd never been sick like this before; my body ached all over, and I felt strange. My phone, beside me on the bed, started ringing, but I am  in the mood to answer.

"What if I'm dying?" I thought, "Ya Allah, please see me through." The phone continued to ring repeatedly, but whoever it was would have to keep calling; I am not  answering. I rolled my eyes, trying to stand up, but felt dizzy and rushed to the washroom to throw up. I have no energy left, and I didn't want to tell Abdul I was sick because he wouldn't let me go home. So, I managed to drag myself out of the bathroom after performing ablution, feeling exhausted. I prayed and lay back on the bed, closing my eyes.

"Won't you pick up the call?" I heard his voice from nowhere. I tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out again. I closed my eyes, feeling his gaze roaming over me. "You're always stubborn. You need to see a doctor, finally," he said firmly.

"No, please, I just took some medicine," I lied, hoping he would believe me.

"You want Ammi to say that you aren't coming back to my house, right? That I'm not taking good care of her daughter, right?" he asked, his tone softening.

I didn't have the energy to respond, so I extended my hand towards him. He walked over to the bed and held my hand, his touch warm and comforting.

"I'm hungry," I whispered. He didn't respond, so I slowly opened my heavy eyes and fixed them on him. He is staring at me with a worried look. "Baby," I shook him, and he took a deep breath before speaking.

"What would you like to eat, then?"

"Something sour, please," I replied. "You wait here; I'm coming back," he mumbled, standing up from the bed. I nodded, and in a few minutes, I heard some voices coming from outside the room. I opened my eyes to see that he has called his sisters, and he walked out, leaving me with them.

They surrounded me, bombarding me with questions. "So, now tell me, what do you want to eat? I promise I'll make whatever you want." And, "Why don't you like going to the hospital?"

Nothing I whined, laying my head on Sufyan's sister's lap and closing my eyes.

"No, no, no, little sis', you have to eat something. What do you want? Shawarma, pizza, cake, fried chicken, French toast? Tell me which one you want, and I can make it for you right now..."

"Ice cream," I mumbled.

"No, no, you won't take ice cream. Okay, I want homemade pizza and orange drink," I said, my voice weak.

"Yes, habibty, I'll get it right away. Then we'll go see a doctor, right?" She smiled, but I squeezed my face and shook my head. "No!"

She frowned, which made a laughter escape from my mouth. "Where is Ihsan?" I questioned.

"Ihsan has gone to Islamiya, so let's quickly make our pizza, and after that, we should go see the doctor," she said.

I smiled as she walked out of the room, leaving me with Sufyan's sister, who is massaging my hair. I ended up sleeping again.

"Wakey, wakey, wakey! Food is ready!" I ate two slices of pizza but ended up throwing up again. She gave me one medicine, and since then, I slept off.

I woke up to find myself in bed with a drip in my hand and Abdul packing my clothes on the other side. I looked at the clock and saw it's 9:00 pm. Oh my Allah, I haven't even prayed Magrib yet; the water hasn't finished...

"Abdul, I'm thirsty," I whined.

He turned his head towards me, "Sorry, how are you feeling now?"

"I'm feeling much better, water please," I replied.

He handed me the water while telling me that Ummi has called Ammi to inform her that I would be coming tomorrow. I couldn't hide my happiness, and since praying Fajr, I didn't go back to sleep, despite not feeling well. But I didn't let him notice. I knew he is watching me, though.

Now, we're both dressing up; Abdul wore his sky-blue kaftan, looking so handsome, Masha Allah! My husband is looking so handsome; I leaned in and pecked his lips. "I know, babe, I always look handsome; that's what made you fall for me," he mumbled, kissing me deeply. I pushed him away, laughing, "You always like gibbering rubbish!"

"What rubbish! I'm handsome; I know it," he said, sticking out his tongue.

"Why are you lying, champ? You know I'm the prettiest girl here," I said, batting my lashes.

"Says the girl who saw a handsome man and said she wouldn't marry anyone except him," he teased.

I don't know when I punched him on his shoulder. "When did I actually say that, Abdul? Please don't squeeze my clothes; don't you want girls to drool over me if we go out?

Just shut up, okay."I stared at myself in the mirror, and he burst out laughing, raising one brow. He came over and hugged me from behind, kissing my neck. "Don't cry, my babe is the cutest in the world."

"I hate you, and I won't even come back to this house ever again," I said, pushing him away.

Really, that's good; I'll even get the chance to see my chicks every day," he replied, chuckling.

"No chicken!" I throw the remote beside me.

"Yes, I hear; I'll get to see my chickens," he muttered, laughing.

"Now, be a good girl and dress up," he said, as I started removing my clothes. "Na, I'm not going anywhere; hey, hey! I'm just kidding, I swear."

I quickly got dressed, with him teasing me. After that, we went to his Ummi's house first, and then to Sufyan's place at the hospital. With that, we drove to Kaduna, and I fall asleep; I didn't even know when we arrived.

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