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Yesterday, as soon as they left, Abdul suggested we head back to our house, but Ummi refused, insisting we stay for a few more days," Abdul agreed, and even his sister ended up sleeping over. I really enjoyed it - we stayed up late into the night, chatting and laughing until around 12 am. Ummi then told Abdul and Sufyan to head back to their part of the house, while Ummi retired to her room. Anty Rukky followed, and I went to the room next to Ummi's, closing the door behind me and falling into a deep sleep."


The next day
I was lying in bed, covering my face with a pillow to block out the sunlight streaming in from the balcony. I groaned when I heard the birds chirping outside and slowly opened my eyes, setting them on the vanity, where I spotted someone standing. My heart sank a million times, and I gulped, wondering who it could be, since I have locked the door with a key. 'A kidnapper!' I thought, my mind racing. 'Your end has come, Zarah!' I thought, my voice trembling. 'What should I do, Ammi?'"

Just then, I heard the person's voice, which made me cover my entire body with the blanket. I was sweating profusely, like a Christmas goat. "Please, I'm sorry, wallah, I don't have any money," I mumbled, holding the blanket tightly.

The person sounded incredulous. "Money? Who has money?" they asked, their voice scary and stern.

Ammi, please... Anty Ramla has money, I swear!" I replied, trying to appease them. "

And who's she?" the person asked, their tone unrelenting.

Please don't come closer, I'll tell you! She's staying in Kano." "


I promise, no, I swear.

I heard she's your sister."

No, no, no, I don't have any siblings or relatives. My mother and father died in a car accident."

And your husband?" "

My husband, oh mister, I swear, my husband is a beggar, and his parents too died three years back. We're alone." "

What brought you to this house?" "Oh, house, uh, yeah, house... I-I will leave now. I just, uh, I don't know where I am! Mister, I'm blind, I can't see!" I said with a cracking voice, my body trembling.

The moment he hold the blanket, I let out a scream, but he immediately pulled it over my mouth to prevent me from screaming more. "Zarah, you're dead," i whispered, and I wriggled in his arms. The next thing he did was slam his lips over mine. I let my eyes wide open and set them on Abdul. Abdul... that means... he's the one... the one who scared the hell out of me! I bit him on his lips, making him wince. "What the hell...?"

You're wicked, Abdul!" I exclaimed, hitting him hard. "You scared me so much, I almost had a heart attack!" He just laughed and called me a "scaredy-cat." "You can lie like that, Zarah," he teased. "You got scared so easily; you better stop it, or someone might use it against you."

I wiped away my tears and shouted, "Get off me! Can't you see I'm upset?" I mumbled,

"I thought you are blind." He retorted,I hit him with a pillow.

No, I'm deaf and dumb!" I gnashed my teeth, angry. "You're wicked, Abdul; this isn't fair. You scared me so much, I hate you! I don't love you anymore, and I'm going back to Kaduna today."

He laughed, remembering the lie I told earlier. "Oh, right! Your parents died in a car accident, and you have no siblings. And your husband is a beggar..." His words trailed off as he continued laughing.

"This isn't funny, Abdul! I'll tell Ummi everything you did today!

What's my fault here? You started it, and I just played along!

You're... ugh, I don't like you anymore! I don't love you; you scare people!

I've heard those words thousands of times, but now I'll change it to 'I love you more'!" He winked, teasing me.

I crossed my arms, still upset.

So, what did you think? If its a kidnapper, would he listen to your nonsense? He'd just carry you off!

Whatever, I must tell Ummi!" Abdul chuckled, "Oh, please do, Zarah! Did I stop you? I'll even help you tell her!" He smirked, knowing I'd feel shy if I went to her room.

"Ugh, how did you even get in here? I remember locking the door!"

Abdul pointed to the balcony, grinning mischievously. "I came to wake you up, but Ummi told me not to go anywhere. I even told her you have school, but she said to let you sleep. So, I came up with this idea... and it worked!" He winked, proud of his cleverness.

I rolled my eyes, tossing the blanket aside as I swung my legs off the bed. Standing up, I stretched my arms above my head, arching my back in a languid stretch. "What's the time, mister?" I mumbled, twisting my lips. Abdul pointed to the clock, which read 10:11.    My eyes widened in surprise. "You changed the clock setting, right? I know it is 8!" I accused, knowing he loved pranking me.

As I headed towards the bathroom, I asked, "Why do you like wearing red so much these days?" Abdul didn't respond, too engrossed in his phone. I entered the bathroom, noticing a new toothbrush on the counter. I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower, feeling refreshed. When I emerged, I saw Abdul still lying in bed, but now he was scrolling through his phone.

Babe, babe, my babe is hot," he mumbled, not looking up, but I know he is watching me through the corner of his eye.

"You're crazy!" I exclaimed. "Yes, I know I'm crazy about you; no need to tell me," Abdul replied with a grin.

After school, we will go to the hospital.
Please, Abdul, keep quiet and let me dress up.

I don't mind seeing you like that, you know." He winked, and I threw him the comb, laughing. "Shameless man!"

I quickly changed into my atamfa gown, tied my headtie, and applied some powder and lip balm. "Let's go have breakfast," I said, and he nodded, gesturing for me to lead the way. "Ladies first," he said with a smile.

As we ate our breakfast in a hurry, Abdul couldn't resist disturbing me, teasing me nonstop. After breakfast, he dropped me off at school. The day went by smoothly, Alhamdulillah, and school has been good lately. Around 4 pm, Abdul came to pick me up, and we drove to the hospital...


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