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The next day, Abdul took me on a tour of the house. His mother had sent our breakfast, and after eating, we settled down in the parlor, watching a movie with me in his arms. We were lost in the film until we heard a knock at the door. Abdul got up to answer it, and I heard unknown voices echoing, "Salamu alaikum."

Wa'alaikumu salam I responded, whipping my head in their direction, but I didn't recognize them. I assumed they might be Abdul's cousins, but I am not sure.

One of the girls, probably my age mate, said, "Anty mu," and two other girls accompanied her. I smiled at them, while Abdul picked up his phone and went inside the room.

Sannu ku," I said, smiling. "Yauwa aunty," one of them replied, and then silently made their way towards us, the only sound being the television playing in the background.

"I'm coming," I muttered, standing up and heading to the kitchen to grab some drinks from the fridge and traditional snacks. I arranged everything on a tray and made my way towards our guests. I carefully placed the tray on the table, and Abdul emerged from the room, looking at me questioningly.

"Haven't you guys introduced yourselves to her?" he asked, turning to our visitors.

"We are about to," said the girl with the chocolate-colored skin, as Abdul nodded and stepped out.

"Well, I'm Safiya, Abdul's sister, and this is Fadila. And our cousin, Rahma," she said, gesturing to each of them.

I smiled, Nice to meet you both.


We fell silent again, until we heard another "Salamu alaikum" and I turned to see Hanan entering with a friend.

My smile grew wider as she said, "Anty mu," squatting beside me. "So, you guys have come to disturb her, huh?" she exclaimed, looking at them. Safiya glared at her and asked, "And what exactly brings you here?"

I just shook my head and smiled, and they stayed until around 5:00 pm before leaving. Both of them were really nice, wallah...


"Abdul, how many girls have you ever dated?" I asked, snuggling deeper into his arms.

He chuckled. "Just two: you and Asma'u. I wasn't a player like you."

"Abdul, did I ever tell you I dumped someone or what exactly?" I asked.

"But you've dated many guys, right?" he countered.

"Not many, dude!" I softly massaged his beard. "I only dated once because I was somehow crushing on you, or rather, crazy for you, so I shut all men down."

Abdul let out a laughter, and I couldn't help but notice how adorable he looked, especially with his light, one-sided dimple.

"You've been lying to me all this while, Zarah!" he exclaimed, still chuckling.

"I haven't lied, okay!" I defended myself. "I mean, Farouk was the first guy I dated. But the first time I chatted you up, you told me someone broke your heart.

I was trying to get you to confess, and I don't know what's wrong with you that time; you never grabbed the opportunity." I twisted my lips, sending him a playful dagger look.

"You're glaring at me! Are you serious?" He asked.

"Hit me, then," i  said, pinching his  cheeks.

I'll surely hit you if you twist your lips again."

"Then I'll definitely report you to the human rights," I joked.

Abdul let out a laughter. "I'll even give you a reward for doing that, or even escort you if you like."

"Shut up, don't ruin my mood, please," I said, smiling.

"So, tell me, how did you know you were in love with me?" I questioned, curiosity getting the better of me.

Abdul rolled his eyes. "You should have told me to prepare for exams or an interview."

"I love you, Abdul," I whispered, looking into his eyes.

"Thank you, he replied.

"I said I love you, now say you love me too," I prompted, teasingly.

"You said you love me, and I said thank you. What else?" Abdul replied.

"You're very annoying.

I just realized it now, thank you, duh!"he exclaimed, playfully.

"Ugh, Abdul, I'll strangle you to death right until you can't breathe anymore!" I joked, pretending to be frustrated.

Abdul let out a soft smile. "You love me too much to even think of that, my Fatimatu Zara'u. May Allah bless you and may He protect our marriage life."

"At least you said something meaningful, Ameen ya Allah, baby," I said, smiling.

He smiled, and his expression seemed genuinely warm. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead, and I felt my heart melt.

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Love you guys alot❤️

Ummeetarh05 🥀

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