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"Zarah, I don't know why, but I just can't seem to stay mad at this girl, no matter what she does to me," I shake my head. "If it's Asma, we would have had a serious argument by now." But then, I looked at Zarah, and her innocent blinking eyes melted my heart. "Stubborn set of people, so childish,"

"Shall we?" she asked, looking at me, and I nodded, sliding into the car and starting the engine. But then, she shot me a piercing glance, her lips almost twisting into a scowl. "Aren't you going to apologize?" she asked, her voice firm.

I chose to ignore her throughout the ride, but she was determined to get a rise out of me. "Apologize? Really? For what exactly?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow, my tone firm.

"For talking to that girl?" she scoffed, her face turning a bit red as she half-yelled, "Abdul, I'm just not understanding anything! She left you just a few days before your marriage, and now she's back, and you're treating her like Cinderella!" Her anger is endearing, and I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle, scratching my brow with my thumb. She's just a friend, that's all."

"Oh, really?" she snapped, her eyes flashing with annoyance. "I've never read a book that says you can be good friends with your ex after a breakup." She emphasized her point, her voice rising. "And you have a wife, for God's sake!" She gnashed her teeth, her frustration evident.

"But have you read the book that says first love never dies?" I asked, antagonizing her more as I maneuvered the car into a parking space at the school. The moment we arrived, I knew this conversation was far from over.

"Abdul, I'll kill you!" she threatened, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Oh, please do," I replied with a lopsided smile, "so they'll bury us together." My words only seemed to fuel her fury.

She shot me a deadly glare before angrily opening the car door and stepping out. I called out her name, "Zarah," which made her spin around, her fists clenched so tightly that her face turned a deep red, rivaling the color of the ripest tomatoes.

"I love you," I whispered, still smiling at her, but she just angrily banged the door shut, twisting her lips in disgust. "Troublesome," I muttered to myself, shaking my head.

As I drove back to the office, I spotted Sufyan slumped in his chair, his phone glued to his ear, a smile spreading across his face from time to time. Before long, he lifted his eyes and set them on me, a hint of amusement still dancing in his gaze.

"Cut the call, we need to discuss something crucial," I said, settling into a chair facing him. He ended the call and gazed at me, a hint of drama in his eyes. "If you were a girl, I'd definitely fall for you," he said, winking at me, which made me hiss in annoyance.

"Then you must be fucking stupid if you think I'd fall for someone like you," I retorted, rolling my eyes to emphasize my exasperation.

"New girlfriend?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. He shook his head immediately. "It's Hanan."

I chuckled, relieved. "Thank God you're serious with someone for once in your life."

He smirked, acknowledging the jab. "Touché. So, what's so important that you wanted to discuss? Can't it wait till we get home?"

"Okay then!" I replied, standing up to head to my office.

Around 3:00, Zarah texted me that she was
done with her lectures and asked me to come pick her up. Despite being angry with me, she can't bring herself to call; instead, she opted for a text. Throughout the ride to Ummi's house, Zarah continued to scold me, but I chose to ignore her, thinking, "Girls and their jealous ways."

I'm tired of staying at Ummi's house, I swear, but she won't let us leave anytime soon. She prefers we stay with her due to my health. As for the marriage, I really don't want to discuss it. It's a fact I have to admit, even if I don't want to, that Ummi really wants to return to Abba's house.

"When it comes to him, I really want to forgive him, but I don't know how. Every time I think about the way we've been treated, I feel the pain and torture all over again. I was just a child; I didn't do anything wrong. We didn't do anything wrong. But yet, the hatred towards our mother was directed at us. We were being mistreated for no reason. Why were we being punished when we didn't deserve any of it?"

"No one understands our pain - the pain of being separated from our mother, who brought us into this world. None of our family can comprehend the torture we endure every day. They were never allowed to talk to us, so they can't fathom our suffering. Maybe that's why everyone wants Ummi to return to Abba's house - because they aren't the ones who suffered like we did. The hell I face every second of my life is a result of what one cruel woman did to me when I was just a child. Why did they do it? Why did they do this to us?

I don't think he's worthy of forgiveness, even though he deserves it. Even though he did everything while not in his right mind, the pain still lingers. I can hear the child inside me screaming to be loved, screaming to have the hole in our soul mended. That's the thing about life - you never know what someone is going through, just because you see someone smiling doesn't mean they're happy. I'm hurting inside, always hurting inside."

"Its  10:30 pm, and I was lying in bed with my phone glued to my ear, talking to Asma. She's telling me to apologize to Zarah on her behalf, and I couldn't help but think that something is definitely off with Zarah's brain lately. I assured Asma that I would apologize, but just as I was about to continue our conversation, I noticed a shadowy figure lurking outside my window. I immediately sat up in bed, my heart racing. Sufyan is fast asleep, so who could this be? It looked like someone is eavesdropping on me. I quickly ended the call with Asma, saying I'd call her later, and slid out of bed, my sleepers scuffling against the floor as I walked out into the hallway.

'You!' I muttered, my eyes fixed on the figure. It is  This zarah girl, and she's about to walk away, but I quickly pulled her back. 'What are you doing here?' I demanded, my voice low and urgent."


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