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Three months later..
"Alhamdulillah, everything is going perfectly fine with everyone, and I can't believe my pregnancy is already nearing its ninth month! Abdul is truly the best husband one could ask for - calm, nice, caring, handsome, and everything in between.

However, the past few months have been a whirlwind for him. He planned a fake marriage with Asma, which even led to a fight with Ummi! But Abba, being the kind and understanding man he is, agreed with Abdul's plan. They sent the betrothal gifts and everything, but on the day of the wedding fatiha, Abdul had a change of heart and called off the marriage. He switched off his phone and went incommunicado.

The next day, Ummi came to our house, and I've never seen her as furious as she was with Abdul that day. She slapped him not once, not twice, but four times! Abdul received a stern reprimand from Ummi, and I could see the regret in his eyes.

Despite the chaos, I'm grateful for the love and support of my family, and I can't wait to welcome our little bundle of joy soon!"

"That slap still resonates with me! For three whole weeks, Ummi gave Abdul the silent treatment, but he never gave up trying to make amends. His love and respect for his mother are truly admirable - he repeatedly apologized and sought her forgiveness. Who wouldn't adore their parents, right?

On a happier note, I'm delighted to share that Sufyan and Hanan are now a married couple, enjoying their newfound love and happiness together! And guess what? Ama has also tied the knot! I had the pleasure of attending her beautiful wedding ceremony.

As I was saying, I've just returned from Aunty Ramla's house, and I'm over the moon to announce that I've finally completed my exams! Alhamdulillah! Abdul is already planning for me to start my career soon after my delivery. I'm excited to embark on this new chapter in my life, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!"

"I'm beyond thrilled to hear this news! Farida has also tied the knot, which means all my girls are now married! Ihsan and Chuchu have grown up so fast - Chuchu spent a whole month with me last month, and Aunty Rukky brought Ihsan over too. I was so exhausted that I dozed off before Abdul returned, but I remember asking him to get me some yoghurt since we had run out. Little did I know, my life is about to take a dramatic turn! A sharp pain suddenly pierced my stomach, and I woke up with a start as the pain intensified. I let out a loud scream, but I was so disoriented that I don't even remember where I throw my phone to call Abdul for help!"


Third person
"He paced anxiously in the hallway outside the delivery room, his heart racing with worry. Zarah's water had broken, and he has arrived just in time, thank God. But now, he felt helpless, unsure of what to do next. He called his Ummi, and she instructed him to bring Zarah to the hospital. Seeing her in such a state is terrifying - his eyes are red and puffy from crying, and his face is etched with concern.

Sufyan and Hanan waited patiently beside him, and he couldn't help but think about the strength of women. How did they endure such excruciating pain? It is unfathomable to him, and he felt a newfound respect for Zarah and all mothers.

Zarah's screams only added to his distress, making him even more restless and worried about her well-being. He bit his lip, praying that she is okay, that she is conscious and not just bearing the pain. "Ya Allah," he thought, "please let her be alright."

Just then, her aunt and Aunty Rukky arrived, followed by Ummi. The hall is  filled with loved ones, all praying for Zarah's safe delivery."

"Ummi tried to bolster his spirits, seeing him on the verge of breaking down. Five hours had passed, and his patience is wearing thin. Just then, the door slid open, and Dr. called out, "Come with me, your wife needs you." Abdul nodded and followed the doctor to the delivery room.

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