Chapter 16: California Sky.

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"Hey, YN. It's Alexa. I just wanted to let you know that I'm done working for Mrs. Johnson since I need to help my brother start writing new songs. Sorry! Lots of love. xx"

Okay, so.... I don't know what to do without Alexa. And what did she mean about helping his brother write songs? Wait. Why do I even care?

"Thanks for the ride."

"No problem, sweetie." Mom smiled. "Good luck." I smiled back and went inside the shop.

"Good morning." A lady in uniform greeted.

"Good morning." I greeted back. A little nervous though cos the lady looks creepy.

"I'm Mrs. Carmela Murphy." She introduced. "The manager here in this shop in Melrose. I supposed you're YN."

"Uhh yes, I'm YN, Mrs. Murphy."

"I knew it since you're late and all the other workers are already here."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I apologized.

She laughed, "It's okay, dear. I'll go now and you may start your first day." I said thanks and she left. I went inside a small room and changed my clothes into my uniform. I put my name tag on and put my hair into a bun. I went outside and started working.


"I'm going to Melrose." Alexa said, combing her hair. "You wanna come with me?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Uhh, I'm going to a coffee shop where I was supposed to work." She smiled.

"Why?" I asked again. "Do you want to work into a coffee shop again?"

"No." She refused. "I just want to try being a normal customer since I was a worker before and I'm visiting a friend."

I remember mom suggested for me. "Fine, I'll go." I finally agreed so I can catch inspirations and finally write songs.

"Yay!" She cheered. "Let's go!" She grabbed my hand. Good thing, I brought my glasses and my book with me. I might get noticed by fans, okay.

"Melrose!" Alexa said to Benny, my driver." Benny nodded and started the engine. After a few moments, we're already there. Alexa grabbed my hand again and looked for a table. "Here." She said and let me sat on it. She sat infront of me. They were playing Hey Jude and Alexa and I both sang along and a lady came to our table to grab our order. I told her I just want cappucino and the lady left. I looked around and saw some roses burning outside and I wanted to halt it. I looked at the other side and saw a big clock.


"YN, one cappucino and one vanilla frappe. Table 08." Marielle, one of the workers also sent here, said. I nodded and made the orders. I put in a tray and went to table 08.

"Here are your orders." I sighed. "One cappucino and one vanilla frappe. Enjoy."

"YN?" The voice sounds familiar. I looked at the customer and it was Alexa. "Alexa?" I said, shocked.

"Yeah!" She grinned. "Alexa it is!"

"Oh my!" I reacted. "Alexa! It is really you." She smiled at me and I looked at the person she is with. This person looks very familiar to me though he's wearing rayban glasses. I caught him looking at me that's why I looked back. I felt uncomfortable and said, "Alexa, I really need to go."

"Aww." She frowned. "Okay. Good bye and thanks!" I smiled at her then turned back and went back to the kitchen.


A girl gave our orders and Alexa knows her. I looked at her eyes and she seemed familiar to me.

"Who was that?" I asked Alexa.

"A friend." She answered, smiling. I was expecting to hear the girl's name. I looked at her sarcastically. She just laughed. I took a sip from my cappucino and suddenly thought of something. Ugh, hotdogs again! I finished my drink and waited for her til she finish hers. We left the shop and went home.

I went to my room and sat in my favorite chair. I put my hand on my chin and the familiar girl came to my mind. Ugh. I took a piece of a paper and drew her. Well, I'm not that good in drawing but whatever. I suddenly thought of some words in my mind like 'California', 'Melrose', 'Clock', 'Roses burning', 'Halt'.

I wrote it in the piece of paper and it ended like this:

"Sometimes I wished that I could stop the clock from turning.

And spend the weekend, lost inside your eyes.

Sometimes I wished that I could halt the roses burning.

'Til I can make you mine.

From the first time I saw you at that coffee shop on Melrose,

They were playing Hey Jude and we both sang along.

Could've talked forever, had a thousand cups of coffee."

After a few hours, I finished and finalized the first verse of the song. I decided to name it, "California Sky". Atlast! I now caught an inspiration. Should I say to that girl or to Melrose?


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