Chapter 32: Just one stalk

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hope you enjoy. This one's a short update though. I'm sorry! :(


"YN..."  Greyson pulled my hand when I was about to go.  My heart raced so fast that it made my knees shake. I turned around, facing him. 

Greyson touched the back of his neck, "I- uhh," Alexa and I was focusing on what he's saying. "Umm, it's just- I, uhh." What is he trying to say?

"C'mon, Greyson." Alexa spoke up with her hands on her waist. "YN's going to be late!" Greyson sighed and stood up.

"Thanks for the time. I-I had fun talking to you, too." He reached his hand for a handshake. I smiled and shook his hand. I thanked him back again and waved goodbye. I turned back and went outside of their gorgeous house. 

I walked all the way from their house to 7-11 because I don't feel like taking the bus. It took me a half hour to reach 7-11. I reached for my pockets to grab my phone. 

"Hello, mom?" 

"Yes, sweetie? Where are you?"


"Ok. I'm on my way. Bye, love you."

"Ok. Love you too."

I put my phone back where it was earlier and let out a deep sigh. Greyson suddenly came through my mind. I remember how cute he giggles everytime I talk. It's getting so cold. I hugged myself when something cold dropped on my nose. A smile curled up on my face. It's snowing! Minutes later, mom came to fetch me up with grandpa's car. Ooh. Grandpa and grandma must have visited. Mom waved that made me wave back at her. I came inside the car and off we go. 

"So, grandpa and grandma are in the house?" I turned my head to the left. 

"Yes," She looked at me then looked again on the road. "And someone's there to see you!"

I turned my direction to the right where I can see the side mirror of the car, "Who?"

Mom just smirked, "You'll see." I just raised my eyebrows as an answer. 


I wanted YN to stay so I pulled her hand when she was about to go. She faced me, waiting for a reply and so did Alexa. I tried to speak but no words came out but "uhh", "uhm", and "i". 

"C'mon, Greyson. YN's going to be late!" Alexa spoke with her hands on her waists. I touched the back of my neck and trying to say what I'm going to say. 

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