Chapter 9: Sweet Revenge.

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A/N: Hi guys!! Just wanted to tell you that I was really inspired when I was writing this chapter cos I did watch Greyson perform live last Sunday which was November 11 and also, I got the opportunity to get closer to him and have my cd signed. Not to brag but I just really want to show you guys how happy I am. Btw, ENJOY the story!! x


Another day has passed by. The last day [YN] and Greyson will be together. Hot coffee on the side, "Hey Jude" by The Beatles is on the track. Greyson, laying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling, wearing a polo and boxers only.

"Her lips were so soft. Tasted like blueberry. Not so regretful doing that. I liked it. I liked her soft lips. I like her...."

This keeps on bugging Greyson. He didn't even expect that these things have slipped out from his mouth.


I ... I can't get [YN] freaking out of my head! Thinking about scenarios and things with her, I think this one is what I like the most. 

-Oh! Darling by The Beatles playing- 

"Greyson, I love you." 

"I love you too, cutie patootie." 

-kissed for about 3 mins.- 





"GREYSON!!!" Staci shouted. "Snap out of it!"

I shook my head and checked the time. "I'm 28 minutes late! I still need to pick up [YN]!"

I ran, almost leaving the door.

"Greyson!" Staci shouted again. "You forgot to wear your pants!"

I turned back and Staci threw the pants at me and I continued running and took the stairs instead of the elevator. Good thing, there were no people outside their rooms. And as I was running off the stairs, I was trying to wear my pants. SUCCESS but damn, I almost slipped.

I pushed the guards and told them I'm in a hurry. I'm not a mean popstar okay. :( Whatever. I continued running until I got outside. The hot ground touched my feet. Damn, I forgot to wear shoes.

You Are The Chosen One. (A Greyson Chance fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now