Sneak Peak.....

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Three minutes and forty two seconds.

That's how long Alex can hold his breathe for. He's been practising.


Simple. He's looking for treasure.

From what him and Mateo could tell, it was about Summer time for them. Probably about late June early July. Perfect weather for swimming and skinny dipping.

Though as Alex put it, it's not as fun running around naked when their is no one to see you naked.

Due to this weather, they had been visiting the Lagoon where they had first met more frequently. The water was perfect, there was shelter if it ended up raining. Not to mention the natural jacuzzi.

"You'd have proof if you let me swim over." Mateo said as he laid out on the smooth stone floor, soaking in the midday sun.

Alex scoffs. "Let's see... let my boyfriend. And the only other person on this island, first off swim through shark infected waters. And then hoping Bruce isn't peckish, let him go explore a possible Volcano, that may or may not be dormant?"


Alex shoves him. "No! You are not doing it. End of."

Mateo mumbles some pretty descriptive words in Spanish under his breath. "Fine. But when it explodes and kills us, don't say I didn't tell you so."

Alex pauses. "Well. With that dark and gruesome image in my head.... I'm gonna go for a swim."

Mateo sighs and smiles. He leans down and kisses his lover on the lips, moaning as he leans in more, stroking his cheek. "Ok...." he smirks as he stares at him for a second. Stroking the blonde hair. "I'm gonna head home. I've got some DIY to get to. Don't stay out to late ok?"

Alex smiles. "I know. I'll come home before dark. Promise. Don't work to hard."

Mateo kisses his forehead as he stands up, grabbing his towel. "Don't worry Bebé, you know me." He picks up his stuff and waves as he makes his way down the makeshift path they had formed.

Alex then dives into the water. His impact with the water barely causes ripples let alone a splash. He then surfaces, shaking the water from his eyes.

"Ok.... here goes..." he takes a deep breathe, and dives down, kicking with his legs, using his arms to force the water behind him. All the whole counting. '34, 35, 36, 37.....'

With pride he reaches the bottom, touching the warm stone floor. He keeps his hand on it laid out flat. Using his other arm to keep himself submerged. He continued to count as he looked round the lagoon floor. '123, 124, 125.... 12....'

His train of thought was stopped. His eyes went wide, as he accidentally took in a breathe.

Instinctively he propelled himself to the surface. Once he breaks it and takes in a deep breathe, coughing and spluttering be swims to the bank, laying in the wet sand.

Once his breathing slowed back to normal he wasted no time. He dove right in, not preparing this time.

Once his hand was placed on the rock floor, he scanned the area, fill his eyes landed on his prize. A small chest. About as big as a music box.

It looked wooden, but he was only guessing.

He grabbed the box. Returning to shore.

He sat cross legged on the soft sand.


The box didn't move. It didn't make a noise. If didn't explode.

Yet Alex felt something off about it. Like it was excreting pure evil.

In the end me gave into the little devil on his shoulder. He reaches forward and opened the box.

As he did a bright gold light shone from the box. His eyes went wide as he leaned back in shock......

((Hope this sneak peak to 'The Island of Whispers' has intrigued you. The first four chapters will be published on the first of Feb, and from there I'll be updating it every two weeks. I'm really excited about this new chapter for Alex. The future is looking bright! Once again thanks for reading!))

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