The competition

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"The Emperor Games?"

Alex turns to The Strangers. "You speak that gibberish?"

The Stranger seems annoyed at the comment. "It's no gibberish. It's Latin. The language of my ancestors. That being Roman."

Alex nods. "Right.... that explains a lot." He turns to Percy. "So. What are these Emperor Games?"

Percy smirks and clicks. As he does two doors at the back open and four five men, dressed sliders and trunks all walk in.

Unlike the men The Stranger kept around the house, these men's eyes were wild and lively. They were talking as they walked in. Laughing and shoving each other.

Though once they saw Percy, they rushed over kneeling down. Simultaneously they chanted. "Good evening Principal Sir. We hear and obey our superiors."

Alex was mesmerised.

These men were like gods. Their skin perfect tan. Their jaws as sharp as knifes. Their eyes and hair perfect.

"What happened to not having slaves?" The Stranger asks. Sitting up.

Percy rolls his eyes as he greets each of the boys. "Incase you haven't noticed they have free will. Part of our curriculum is that our students must experience what they are learning to do to others. We strongly believe you can only Master a talent once you have experienced it's effects."

The Stranger once again turns up his nose.

"Now. Boys please carry out your chores. And don't mind these men."

The boys smile and nod all jumping up and laughing as they get Tom with various jobs around the place.

Alex nods as he watches them. "Huh. This university of yours sounds amazing."

Percy nods. "It is. Thank you. Now to business. The imperator ludos. It involves six trials. In the old days it would have been to seduce three men, then defeat three enemies in battle. However I'd rather no one dies. So we will instead seduce six men with our powers."

The Stranger seems intrigued. "Do continue."

Percy nods. "I will set up a computer algorithm. That will upload all men between the age of sixteen to fifty. And then have it select six at random. We will be provided with a first and last name. As well as a face picture. That is all. We will hunt them one at a time. And whoever finds them and brings them under first. Wins the round. Whoever reaches four wins first wins, Richard."

Rich was still sound asleep. A little drool leaking from his mouth.

Alex thinks and jumps up. "I'm in. Sounds fun."

The Stranger thinks. "Get handsome over there. And others? Why not." He stands up to.

Percy nods. Walking over to a tray and pouring three scotches. Handing two to the other eager men. He holds his up.

"May the best man win. Cheers."

"Cheers." The other two day, as they clink their glasses and down their drinks.

Time for the fun to begin...

((So! It's finally here 🥳🥳. So a while back when I was actually active and had free time, I promised something big for this mini series. And here it finally is. imperator ludos will be split into three parts. Here is part one, the build up, then part two will be released round Christmas and New Year, that being the competition, and finally in 2021 you'll get the final part, part three the Aftermath!!

When I first started this I didn't intend it to have an over arching story but I've come to love the story and I hope you all like how it goes. Wishing you all love and thanks for loving my stories even though I've been quiet. Good things coming promise 🥳🥰😝.))

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