Target One

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Target one was Arron Danifurd.

He was mid thirties. American. And a multi billionaire.

He made all his money from the business he inherited from his grandfather when he passed away four years ago. The business in question was alcohol.

His Grandfather was a connoisseur of wine, larger, beer, rum and even vodka.

He insisted that he wasn't an alcoholic. Much to the rest of the families persisting.

Anyway. Once he passed away, Arron inherited it all. The grape fields and winery in Spain. His beer factory in England. Vodka factory in Russia, and his Mansion in America.

Arron however doesn't share the interest in alcohol as his grandfather does. But he does enjoy money.

Especially spending it.

He stopped out of his shower. Letting the water drop down his body. He was well built. Clearly he looked after himself.

Plump pecs. Wash board abs. Strong biceps. He stretched, walking over to a neatly folded towel. His balls hung low and swayed slightly, as his long cock swayed, making a plop noise as it collided with his thighs. His ass jiggled to.

He was perfect. Which meant he was perfect for them....

Once dried, he wrapped the towel round his waist, smirking as he rubbed his God like body with his large hands. "Hmmm looking good."

He tugs on his junk as he grabs his phone. Taking a mirror selfie.

He then posts it on Instagram. As he made his way into his room.

"You have excellence taste Mr.... Danifurd is it?"

Percy was sat in a chair by the window, that over looked the city, his legs crossed. Arms crossed.

Arron wasn't shocked. He knew the security was terrible in the building. And this wasn't the first stranger to walk in.

He simply walked to his chest of draws and pressed his secret Emergancy button. "Thank you. As my father always said, if your rich act rich."

Percy nods. "I know. I've read all about you. And your father. Sad really." He picks up a sweat from a near by table, and unwraps it. "But that's not why I'm here. Owww and security aren't coming."

He frowns. "Why's that?"

"Because I already dealt with them. Now." Hw stands up. Pulling off his shirt. "It's time to deal with you."

As he makes his way over, Arron takes in a deep breathe sighing as he drops his towel to the ground....

The Stranger strolls into the elevator smirking.

It had taken him some time. But finally he had tracked down the man. Now all he has to do was force him into submission and get out of dodge.

He straightens his collar as he walks through the door smirking.

Though this smirk isn't long lived. Hw frowns as he looks upon the display in front of him.

The target naked, wrapped around Percy, as they kissed.

Percy pulls back, as Arron whimpers. "I win round one."

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