Player three

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Bound naked to a chair. Rich slept peacefully. As three men argued round him.

"Well I saw him first!"

"Who even are you?"

"This is between me and my slave!"

"Who you calling slave?"

"Does it look like I care about your problems? I'm here for the kid end of."

"Well your not getting the kid!"

"Yeah who's gonna stop me? You?"

"Hey! Who said either are you were getting the kid? I'm the one who put him under! I should keep him!"

Their voices then blended together, maiming it hard to make out what was said. But it was obvious how they felt.

Confused. Angry. And horny.

The new guy, grower and raised his hands. "Ok! Ok! Clearly. Us arguing isn't going anywhere. So. Why don't we take a breathe and do the human thing and introduce ourselves?"

The younger one of the three reluctantly nods. Crossing his arms. The oldest looks them both over with a cold stare. Then nods to.

"Good. Well. Hi. I'm Perseus. But you can call me Percy. I'm American, and I'm here scouting for a University I'm the Principal at."

Percy, was round about his mid thirties. Now his hair was dry, it was more a light brown colour, with blonde highlights. His eyes a deep hazel brown. His skin not very tanned, and his body was shrugs. Chest and biceps included.

The youngest sighs. "My name is Alex. American to. Florida. I work got myself, I own a porn and comics company. I'm here to meet a private investor."

Alex was in his early twenties, late teens. His skin tanned perfectly. His hair was a fake brown styled to perfection. His eyes seemed to change colour every time you looked at them, but they were mainly brown.

Finally The Stranger talks. "They call me The Stranger. I'm older than you. And I work for myself."

The Stranger. Who had taken off his hat and glasses. Was tall. Well built. His age was hard to say, but definitely older than Percy. His hair was bright blonde. Which was surprising since his clothing was black. His eyes a deep blue. Like the ocean. Easy to get lost in.

"That's it? No name? Age? Name of your business?" Percy asks. Irritated how closed this man was.

Alex scoffs at this, walking over to the bar. "Please. You won't get a peep out of him. After all knowledge is power? Isn't that right Stranger?"

The Stranger doesn't respond. He just sits down. Waiting.

Percy joins Alex at the bar. "So people actually call him that huh? And how do you know him? And you are legal right?"

Alex rolls his eyes. Pops the top off of the vodka and downs half of it. "Yes. Long story. And yes." Percy's raised eyebrow hints to wanting more. Alex sighs. "He took my brother away. I was immune cause I used to be a junky. I followed him off a year. Finally found a way to infiltrate his 'palace' with out being under his sway. Ended up falling partially under his sway for half a year. Then tried to copy his powers. Made my own concoction to copy his abilities. Then somehow I developed real powers. Broke free and took my brother and others I was really in control of. Set them free. But they all stayed anyway. Set up my business and now take people under who wish to or who want a new life. I offer them a choice stay and have awesome sex and make porn. Or live their regular life. That enough for you?"

Percy nods. "Yeah. That's enough. And damn. I'm guessing he's responsible for all those missing cases of men during 2019 to 2022?"

Alex was mixing a cocktail as he nods. "Bingo. Has them all stabled up on his own private island. Well it's actually David Dobrik's private island. But well. You can guess what happened." He hands a drink to Percy.

Rich begins to snore.

Percy takes it graciously. "Thank you." He sips it and nods contently. "I see. He even has celebrities? Huh...."

He looks over at the silent figure of their discussion. "So. How are we gonna resolve this then? Because I'm guessing like me you've already tried and failed to control each other?"

Alex nods, sipping his cocktail. The Stranger doesn't answer. But from his sudden drop of the shoulders it's clear that he to had failed.

Percy nods. "Ok. Well I'm afraid I can't let you two take him."

Alex frowns. "Why should we let you have him?"

Percy places his drink down. "Because. Like I said. I'm not the one who wants him to a. Become his own personal slave. And b. Join my porn business. I'm here to recruit him for my uni. He's like us. But his powers aren't as strong."

The Stranger scoffs. Finally speaking. "Please. I saw the way he looked at you. Your influence was all over him."

Tyler smirks. Pocketing his hands he walks over. "I'll admit that's true. But I think you'll agree our powers are hard to control. And anyway, it broke him out of your little spell did it not?"

The Stranger is once again silenced. Which earns a round of applause from Alex. "Well finally! We have found the one person to shut him up!" He walks over. Clearly tipsy. "Ok. Clearly we aren't gonna resolve this by talking. So. Why don't we Rock Paper Scissors it?" He holds his shaky hands out. Determined and ready.

Percy chuckles and ruffles the younger boys hair. "Owww boi."

"Hey! I'm not a boi! I'm your equal! Superior even!"

Percy smirks. "You've got spunk. I like that. But I've got a better idea than a child's game." He walks over to the windows, that overlooked the city of London.

"Owww yeah what's that?" Alex asks. Even The Stranger seems to sit up. Intrigued.

Percy smiles Turning. "An old tradition among our People. They call it the 'imperator ludos.'

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