Drink up

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So Master has been getting more powerful. I've been taking drugs more regularly, trying to keep an open mind.

But not to open. I can't keep it to open. Or he'll slip back in.

Either way. I'm staying low.

Unlike him. I'm not enslaving my bois. Just giving them a new kind of freedom. They enjoy my control.

Increasing my numbers has been hard. But I'm getting there. Slowly.

What's made it easier is my life.

I'm a college kid. I'm in a frat.

Plenty of cute, hot, muscular, and most importantly, sexually frustrated, teenage boys to corrupt.

My next victim..... I mean test subject. I mean. Boi. Is Harry.

He's kind of a loner. Not many friends.

Only in the frat cause his dads a legacy.

Maybe this can help him. Maybe I can help him.

I decided to use the drugs to help me. Fully open his mind.

When he went toilet I slipped some in his beer.

Now I have to wait.....

He chugged it down like a pro. He'll go glossy eyed now. Barely pay attention to anything. Just gotta sit it out. Wait for everyone to leave....

He's now mine! He's kinda cute, sitting there blank, sprawled out.

The obvious and massive tent in his pants.

Maybe I'll make him my right hand man? Mmmm maybe.....

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