Beach boi

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I finally did it. It's been three months since.... he took my brother...

Two months since he 'took' me and the pool boi. His real name was Jeb. Mine.... if I'm honest I don't remember. I've been resisting.... but he has this pull. You can't help but feel attracted to him. I don't use the lotion anymore. That's why I've decided now is as good time as any.

Before it's to late. I know it works I've tried it on Jeb.... I've been study Master, his movements, his words, the way he presents himself...

I bugged his bedroom a month ago when we first had sex, God it was amazing, praise the Master, since then I've been listening to him practice on himself funnily. Also On another, who? I can't say. But I'll find out soon.

So when I finally decided to try who better than Jeb. It was easy, probably because Master has done such a good job on him. But I managed to wipe his mind of our plan unless he's under my control. Our secret.....

But where am I? Well Master send me shopping, praise him for trusting me. He has no idea where I'm really going. I still can't believe he hasn't seen that I'm fake. Maybe this plan will work?

I spot my pray. A mid thirties white British man. Married I'm guessing by the ring on his finger.

I open my bag..... I..... I can't really remember much. This happened last time, with Jeb, it's like I blank out when I do it to them.

The next thing I remember is we are kissing. He's almost as good as Master. We kiss then, I hear a younger voice.... a boy. 19? 18? I'm not sure. Then blank.

I open my eyes my crotch wet from spit and cum. The man is bowing by my feet face down, standing Naked and hard is his son. They are both mine! It worked.

Let's see though Is it for real? I click my fingers, "CUM"

They both shudder the man cums all over the sad as it mixes and sticks to his chest.

The cute boy, shoots his load at me covering my t-shirt. I scoop some up and lick it off. Tastes like victory....

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