The Fight for the chav

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My name is Richard Hardgrove. My mates call me Rich. I'm 19, English. Essex boy through and through. And I was straight. Now. Well now I'm the only person who stands in the way. In the way of everyone single mans freedom. No pressure right?

This whole thing started about three weeks ago.

"Ok. Great job boys, especially you Jason. Now go ahead and get changed and head out home." Coach Koland shouted, his rough sexy voice echoed around the sports hall.

I'm on the rugby team. Normally we would train on the field, but the girls had a football match so we were evicted to the tiny hall.

Which meant my knees were red raw from being tackled to the floor.

I followed the rest of the team into the changing rooms. As pieces of clothing and padding was thrown to the floor, as one by one we slowly began to strip naked.

It's funny. When I look back on it I finally get why people think guys who play sports are gay.

Take the showers for example. No dividers. And no one wore any thing to conceal themselves. Hell it wasn't uncommon to find some guys lavishing each other up with shampoo and shower gel.

My locker was in the middle of the room. On either side were two of my best friends. Nick and Andrew.

Nick was openly Bi-sexual.

I'll be real here. I didn't react well at first. I ignored him for a good three weeks. Not because I was homophobic. I couldn't care less if he liked dick.

It was my insecurities. The idea that one of my best mates could enjoy seeing me naked make me feel uneasy. But once he told me he in no way found me attractive, I was relieved.

Though these days I hope to change that....

Andrew was straight though. Like super duper straight. I'm pretty sure he's the straightest guy in the world.

"So." Andrew shouted slamming his locker shut. Fully nude may I add. "My place. Ten. Drinks. Music. Hot chicks and hot dicks." As you can tell, he's a douche.

Nick shoved him. "Shut up dick head. And sure. Rick you are coming this time right?"

Parties really weren't my thing. Mainly cause it didn't take much to turn me tipsy. But also cause I'm terrible in confined spaces with loads of people.

"Ummm sure.... though I don't think I'll stay long. Got a big day tomorrow."

They both look at each other then shrugged. "Ok. Just bring beer."

That night, I stood in front of my mirror, looking at my reflection. I was dressed in ripped jeans. A white button up shirt, with the top two buttons undone. A chain necklace. And some random converses I found in my wardrobe.

Signing, I grab my phone and wallet, telling my mum I'd be out late. I head towards the corner shop to buy the beer.

"Morning G." I say waving with out looking at the Italian owner.

If I had looked. I would have seen his jaw half open. Drool flowing out the side. His eyes fully gazed over. Behind the counter his cock was at full mast, stretching in its confines.

I walked round the shop isles, till I reached the beers. I grabbed a basic six pack and walked over to the counter.

Still not looking up.

"Tenner please." A voice, much deeper than G's.

I hand over the money and look up. G was no where to be seen. In front of me stood. Well. The most attractive man I'd ever seen.

I remember gulping as I handed over my ID. Yeah I was straight, but even I couldn't deny the sexual energy he seemingly seeped and dripped with.

Before he can speak to me, which I was highly annoyed about, the sound of the bell by the door wakes me from my trance. Look behind me, to see the second most handsome man.

It was my lucky day.

His floppy black hair was damp from the rain that had randomly appeared.

But his dark hazel eyes were what I focused on. I couldn't look away. They were drawing me in.

Then I heard a cough and snapped out of it. Shaking my head. Confused. Foggy.

The Stranger behind the till smiled. "Here's your change and your beer. Hope to see you again soon."

I frowned. Not really wanting to leave, but I turn and head out. Not before noticing that the new comer had already left....

I'm not going to bore you with the details of the party. Not much really happened.

Not until I met Nick's 'date'.

I say 'date' loosely. He wasn't. He was Stranger and sexist guy number three.

As soon as Nick introduced us, I kid you not I had to stop myself cumming in my boxers.

Which back then I found embarrassing. These days it turns me on.

His was the first of the three names I learnt. He was called Alex.

I tried to listen to what he told me. He talked about, telling me about his part time job as a delivery guy and pool boy. As well as how lived with a group of guys on a campus of some uni in America. But how he was here on official business for his boss.

But all I could focus on were his lips. As well as the hand he had offered for me to shake.

His touch seemed to electrify my skin.

I stayed with them all night laughing and chatting, and getting really close and personal with Alex.

That's the night I lost my straightness. Alex bent me.

And I didn't care. In fact from memory I embraced it.

Though that all crumbled when he woke me from his spell. "So. Do you want to stay?"

I remember shoving him glaring. "You.... why did you do that to me! You.... you..."

I was furious. He just took my mind away from me. He took Nicks! And as far as I knew the whole party!

I remember rushing out the building drunk. Tipsy.

As I rushed down a street..... well I don't remember. That memory is still blocked for now.

But from what Master told me, a Mexican stand off took place.

Alex, or as he was called 'The Hero' , The Stranger (the man from the corner shop) and Master (the mysterious man who left the sho before I did) all had followed me. And that's how they all met.

The three sexiest men in the world.

The Stranger chroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora