Music to my ears

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It's been a while. It's a new year, which means new opportunities. New bois. And who better to start off with than a musician?

Except, I'm not who you think. I'm not him. The Master.

So far things have been going well. Master hasn't suspected a thing. Which is surprising, since he's so strong... praise him... so sexy.... praise him.... sorry! I've been having these a lot. I just pause and start to praise the Master. His control is strong..... but I have to resist I must! For my brother..... I only wish I knew his name...

Anyway since the beach I haven't taken anyone. Father and son (didn't bother giving them names) have been chilling at my house, me and Pool Boi sneak off, from Master's awesome house, to see them.

But today is the day that we expand our family. So that we can over through The Master.

So here I am. In the shopping mall with Pool Boi, shopping for Master because we are such good bois.

Once we finished I saw him. He was perfect. He was up there, standing on the stage singing his heart out.

Every now and then, raising his shirt, showing off. He was perfect.

I walk over. Smiling. Trying to make eye contact with.

Once I'm half way there, we do. Got him.

He stops. For a brief second. No one noticed. But I did.

After that, he continued to sing, he continued to make eye contact with me, not once moving from my eyes.

I smile I push through the crowd.

I reach the stage.

Now I'm closer I can see. See the bulge in his pants. Lucky for him his belt, baggy jeans and baggy tank top hid it from eyes not looking for it. But the Master has shown me the signs.

I smile as he smiles back. His eyes. I could tell. He was mine.

I'd learnt a lot. Like the Master I don't need words. Sometimes I do. But when the subject is concentrating they are easy to control. Now all I need was to make him release.

He walked over to the end of the stage. To me.

He pulled up his shirt.


I stroked his hard abs. God Master would love him. Shame I have him.

I smile as I mouth. "CUM."

He shudders as he sings. I can see the faint stain in his jeans. He mouths "thank you Master."

Now that's music to my ears....

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