The surpise love

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I don't know who I am.

Well that's a lie. Kinda. I know my name is Alex. I know I'm from America.

But that's it.

I don't know if I have a family. A job. A lover. A education. Nothing. I don't remember yesterday. I don't remember my tenth birthday let alone my eighteenth.

My last and first memory is of waking up on this island.

I remember opening eyes and blinking, as they adjusted to the harsh sun light over head.

I remember the feel of sand below me, sticking to my back. Indicating that I was shirtless.

I remember sitting up. Seeing the only clothing I had on were bright red trunks. But placed next to me was a rucksack.

Inside was a tank top. Towel. Tooth brush and paste. A comb. Water bottle and purifier tablets. Then a couple bags of food. Sweets. Crisps. Carrot sticks.

Clearly it was packed for a day out, not living on an island.

I stood up, grabbing the bag pulling my arms through the straps. I wiggled my toes in the sand. Enjoying the warm feeling.

If I was gonna be marooned. I might as well enjoy it.

That was a week ago.

I've explored the island. Curiously I found an old village. Long since abandoned. The people who previously lived here obviously weren't advanced. Yes I know what a tv and phone is. I don't know how I do. I just do.

I'm staying here now. In the village I mean. A small hit in the middle. Mainly because it was the only hut with a desk a bed and a oven.

I still don't remember anything about my past. Sometimes I dream about this man though.

His eyes. His hair. Him stroking my cheek. He tells me things in my dream, but as soon as I wake I can't remember. It's like my brain forces me to forget.

Whoever lived here must have left in a hurry though. Their cupboards were full of food. Fresh.

I've given up trying to find them though. The island seems to be massive.

I'm currently on the porch. Owww it also has a porch. If your wondering yes I found this diary. It was in a draw with loads of them. Some empty. Some not.

I read the used ones to pass time. But I plan on using the empty ones to document my time here. Never know if I find a way home I could compile them into a book.

Not that anything interesting has happened. Still it's only week one.

Day 16:

So it's been two weeks and two days.

I'm pretty sure I'm being watched.

Take yesterday for example. I was walking through the jungle portion of the island. I'm trying to find out all the different kind of species of flowers.

It's a way to pass the time.

Anyway, I'm moving off topic.

I'm being watched.

When I was on my walk I heard twigs being snapped. I knew it couldn't be a big animal.

I've been here a fortnight. If tigers or elephants lived here, they are pretty good at hiding.

I tried to pretend like I didn't hear them. But the more I walked. The more I could hear them. Following me. Keeping up with me.

Though once I reached the village they gave up.

I've set traps up. Nets and pit holes. I'll keep you updated. Whoever you are reading this.

If anyone is reading this.

Day 28:

I saw him.

It was on day 25. At this point he was at the back of my mind.

Since recently he's seemed to stop following me. So I'd done some more exploring. I've even started to map out the island.

I found a pint of white paint. As well as a giant painting. So I whitewashed it and began to draw the island.

That's when I discovered the lagoon. There's this river you see. That cuts through the whole of the jungle. Presumably connecting both sides of the island.

But, while walking I discovered that about ten miles in, the river cuts off. One direction the river continues.

The other leads to a water fall.

Which drops down into said lagoon. The lagoon it's self is massive. And from my quick inspection of it, contains a cave system. Though I highly doubt I'll explore that.

I haven't gone swimming yet.... but I have a hunch the water is warm.


Well, mainly because my 'Stalker' when I spotted him was swimming naked!

I'm guessing I'm gay by the way. Because one look at this man and I was hard as a rock.

I hadn't thought about sex or relationships at all before this. I guess having no memories kinda blocked that aspect of life.

Until I saw him. I didn't stay long. Just long enough to rush home. And draw him.

I'm good at art. The only part of him I didn't draw was his dick.

Maybe I'll get to see it and add it to the drawing one day.....

Day 45:

Hi! So Alex told me how he's been writing about his time here. He's trying to convince me to do the same. But I don't think I'm ready for that. Ready to tell my story.

Anyway. My name is Mateo. Matt is what I prefer to be called.

I've been following Alex for weeks now. After all we are, as far as I know, the only two on the island.

I decided to wait for him to talk to me. After all. I was a stranger.

In the end he did. During my afternoon swim, he walked over. Stripped naked, like me. And began to do laps.

It was quiet surprising actually. He didn't speak to me. Just swam laps.

Eventually we talked. Then.... well I won't go into the crude details, but let's say saliva was shared and bodies were rubbed.

He had a lot of pent up energy.

I've moved in now, much to my disconnect. Alex doesn't know what I know. What I've seen.

But I like him. Trust him.

I just hope we both survive. Together.

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