Time to party Bois

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I'm so excited! Today is the day! The day he has been talking about for weeks upon weeks. The only thing we all have been talking about.

You see ever since I met him. That wonderful handsome sexy man. I've wanted nothing but to please him, serve him. Yet I couldn't 24 7. None of us could.

He had to make arrangements. First he had to get to a certain celebrity. I'm not sure what their name is. Especially since they don't have that name anymore. I haven't met  that celebrity yet, but he made them buy the biggest house in Florida they could find.

Now it's step three. All his lovers, from all around the world are moving there today. A house full of sexy horny men. Of all ages, there for one purpose. To serve Master.

I'm with him now. I was the first to arrive as I was already in Florida.

"Hello Farmer Slave." He says as he strokes my face. I shudder. God I missed him. His touch it. It. It was like lighting! Causing through my veins making me feel amazing!

"You were my first you know. My first boi. And even though I have other bois who have spent more time with me. You were always my favourite." He kisses me. I don't kiss back I wasn't meant to not yet.

He pulls back. "So that's why  your cover is as my husband." I smile! I can't believe it! He chose me! Out of all his boys to be his husband! "Well boi will you be my husband?"

I nod quickly. There was no over answer! I was mine! And he was mine! I was the only one now.

He smiles and kisses me deeply. This time I get to kiss back. I moan as my dick strains my boxers.

He pulls back smiles and turns. A young, incredible cute, boy walks in and smiles as he hugs master.

"Well husband, this is our son. I thought you should get to name him as his old one was lost so long ago?"

 I thought you should get to name him as his old one was lost so long ago?"

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I smile. His cock was obviously hard. I walk over and stroke it and kiss his cheek. "Sammy."

Master smiles and strokes both our heads and kisses us both strongly. "Welcome to true family Sammy, this is Johnny your father. Let's have some family fun then."

He clicks. I feel the rush, my cock explodes. As I moan I watch master and Sammy so they same. I loved my family, I couldn't wait for it to get bigger!

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